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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Sleep Regressions Should Die
10:56 p.m. || April 30, 2016

Well, we must be absolutely on the brink of the "Terrible Twos" now. Or the boundary-testing stage, if you want to be more politically correct about it.

Dear God, I am so very tired of being told how to parent.

Anyway, ever since we got back from Great-Grandma Mary and Great-Grandpa Joe's house, Micah has been pretty much testing all of our rules. It's been...rough.

Yesterday he went to bed at 7:30 and, good gracious, was he ready for it.

Unfortunately, it's brought us back to the waking up at all hours of the night and talking for ever. He woke up at 10:45 and talked for...who knows how long. At least until 1:45; I remember hearing him at that time and thinking he had been awake for exactly 3 hours and it couldn't be much longer before he crashed again. I went back to sleep and woke up again at 4:30 and it was quiet.

But then I woke up at 8 AM and he was wide awake and had been for who knows how long. Our best indicator was that he crashed again at 10 or 10:30. Early naptime! I am so. So. Tired. Of this insane schedule. He's been doing this sort of crazy not-sleeping thing since April 8, so nearly a month.

Anyway, back to the "Terrible Twos": yesterday was the first time in a long time that I've been brought to tears by Micah. I just flat-out did not know what to do with him.

And in the middle of this, I keep seeing things on Facebook from a friend of mine that say you should NEVER punish your child (like, no time outs, no nothing). That you should talk to them instead.

Did I mention I feel like a dying breed?

S + W and C + A use spanking.

I use it as little as possible and still sometimes it feels like the right thing to do and sometimes it feels like the wrong thing to do. I wish I were a perfect parent. I don't think spanking is wrong across the board like most people do, but I do think it should be used in a limited way. Especially with me. Because I get angry a lot. And spankings should NEVER be given in anger. Ever. I'm preaching to myself here.

Anyway, I am feeling a Facebook fast coming on. Maybe Pinterest, too. I can't function normally when it seems like all I see are people telling me, in one way or another, that I'm Doing It Wrong. I hate losing contact with The Many because of The Few, but I also feel somewhat called to develop my local community, and not having Facebook to run to might be the best way to motivate me to do that.

Of course I can't write that on Facebook because the last thing I need is somebody saying, "Oh, thank goodness! I have been thinking you need to do that for EVER. Do it now!! I don't want to see your face on Facebook from this point onward!" (*coughcoughCaroylncough*) >:Z


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