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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Iris Gardens with Charis
5:03 p.m. || May 18, 2017

Agh! This is the 3rd time I have written this! I keep meaning to go to another tab and hitting Refresh and losing all my writing! Agh!

Today we had a fun time going to the iris gardens with Charis, James and Reuben. Charis and I accidentally dressed James and Micah just alike, and people really thought they were twins! Haha!

It was definitely an adventure trying to corral 3 boys, especially with both of us in our 3rd trimesters! When we weren't getting after them for being too far away or going off the paths or not sharing, it was fun to watch them run around. It was quite a picture of brotherhood. I've never witnessed a real brotherhood, just heard about it from stories about the military and stuff. But it's always been very appealing to me. I think maybe God has given me two boys to fill up that pesky hole in my heart a little.

I love having boys.


Anyway, Daddy (Stephen) is home now so I better go do something productive. :)


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