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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

I Love Micah
6:47 p.m. || June 24, 2015

Wowwww, I haven't written about Micah in here in forever!!

Life is good. Very, very good.

He is an incredible sweetheart of a baby/toddler.

His 1st birthday party is this weekend. :D

He's getting in a 3rd tooth--on the top this time.

He crawls happily on all fours now instead of his scoot.

He's still as independent as ever, but if I get down on the floor with him, he comes right over and crawls all over me and buries his face into me. I love it.

He gets into everything still, perhaps now more than ever. And he will stop when I say "no" but then he goes right back to it, which frustrates me to NO end. He's usually trying to play with cords or electronics.

We had a GREAT Father's Day. Stephen's aunt came and babysat, and Micah was a total angel for her and Grandma. Steve and I attempted to go shooting. It didn't work out quite like we expected, because I'm not supposed to shoot if I'm still nursing, because of blowback and lead and liabilities. We got to do virtual shooting for a short time, though, and then we went to a book store. But we got bored really fast, LOL. We've forgotten how to go on dates...! Micah did so well, though, that I think more dates will be in our future. :)

Monday, we visited Heidi and Alex and saw their little guy. It was fun and quite funny, too, to me. Heidi is totally in that "everything about my baby is wonderful and interesting!!" stage, LOL, and I love her joy. I learned something valuable from her pertaining to our relationship as moms: she and Alex LOVE to get out and do things. They thrive on it. For Father's Day, they drove 3 hours to the coast! With an 11-day-old baby. So, I know if I want to spend time with her, she'll like it better if we go out and do something. In fact, she mentioned wanting to go shopping... So that'll be in our near future hopefully. :)

Anyway, back to Micah. Tomorrow we are going to see waterfalls for his birthday. We're also going to try installing his new car seat and will be getting him his first hair cut (!!!).

Friday will be clean clean clean day, and I will make Micah's cupcakes. I'd make them Saturday, but Saturday it's supposed to be record-breaking heat and I don't want my guests to be any hotter than they already will be by using the oven that day.

Saturday is going to be crazy. I hope we can get everything done before everyone comes at 1:30. Savannah is coming to help cut fruit and stuff at noon, so that'll be nice.

I need to make a list of all the To-Dos for the party. That will help me be more organized and less overwhelmed.



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