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Update on Our Church Attendance
8:25 p.m. || June 28, 2015

I never really expanded on what happened at church in our nursery saga on June 4th. Essentially, DA told Stephen that he was invalidating her role in the church as a nursery leader by keeping our son out of her care. Mm-hm. She said we were being unbiblical about the way we were raising him, because apparently the Bible says something about children learning with people their own age? When Stephen confronted her to find her Bible verse to support that, she couldn't. That's because it's definitely not in the Bible at all, in any way, shape, or form. I can't even think of a place that even remotely says something like that. In fact, I can think of several places where God directs His people to ALL come together and bring their children for the reading of His law.

That's why that was so frustrating.

Stephen and I theorize that she read a women's devotional somewhere a blurb that mentioned kids playing together with kids their own age, and got it into her head that it says something like that in the Bible.

The answer is still nope, not in there. Ugh.

Right, so anyway, here's the latest chapter in the sage. DA's confrontations are not working, so she sent in the woman who heads up the entire children's ministry.

The children's ministry leader (CML) emphasized the importance of children needing "community." Stephen just told her the same thing we have been saying all along to everyone else, that we believe in keeping kids being in worship with us.

Our friend Will was next to Stephen for this latest confrontation today, and he believes way more strongly than we do about keeping kids in church. Stephen said that after the CML left, Will went off on a rant response to the CML, about how community is made up of ALL ages of people, people older than you and younger than you, etc., etc. I wish I could have seen it. I appreciate Will's passion and zeal. :)

I have a feeling, since both the nursery leader and the children's ministry leader have now confronted us, that they're going to take Jesus' words in Matthew 18:16-17 completely out of context and escalate the issue to the leadership. But I have a feeling that our pastors aren't as inclined to push Micah into the nursery as DA and the CML are.

Anyway... Slightly related... Today our pastor announced at the beginning of his sermon that next week, he will be addressing the Supreme Court decision. Stephen and I are very curious what he will say. In the past, our church has taken a consistently biblical stance on homosexuality, but Stephen is anticipating that our very people-pleasing pastor may not hold to that as strongly now. He says next week's message may make or break his decision about us continuing to attend this church.

On that thread, I've been feeling disappointed about the sermons for a long time now, but today I intentionally paid attention to see what I didn't like at least about today's sermon. The pastor was doing great until it got to the application, and then he pulled his punches. I wrote down his 3 application points, which were to 1) be Christ to those around you, 2) be a voice for the voiceless, and 3) make a difference globally.

So basically, "make the world a better place." In other words, the same exact message every other religion in the world, including secular humanism, is preaching.

I can't even express my disappointment. He used to be so great about not confusing Christianity with secular humanism. He used to be so clear about it.

There are two other things we have heard or noticed about our church that signify that winds are changing there. First, something I have noticed: Our worship pastor hasn't led worship in weeks. He is sometimes up there, singing as back up, but he has had other people leading for quite some time. The church has not said anything about this to us. While this isn't necessarily a reason to leave, it is odd to me that nothing has been said about it, like is he going to be leaving or what? Our church has had a very difficult time finding and keeping a really adequate worship leader.

And something Stephen has heard: There are some people openly living in sin (adultery) who still regularly attend the church, and the leadership has not been taking an active role in disciplining these people as outlined in Scriptures.

Our church's annual meeting is July 11th. Stephen and I always attend, but with everything going on, I think it is especially important that we attend this year.

So yeah. Lots going on in our church, lots we'd like to have answers for. :/

I should really be praying about this.


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