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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Profaning the Sacred
11:29 a.m. || February 15, 2017

Some things make me so mad.

Today a news article popped up in my newsfeed about a lawyer who provides free drive-thru marriages.

There only seemed on logical question to ask and nobody had asked it yet.

"Does he also provide free drive-thru divorces?"

It makes me furious just thinking about it. And thinking about all the responses that might follow, like the first guy who replied.

He said, "Wouldn't that be great!"

I couldn't let it be but I didn't want to blow up an article from a state I don't even live in. So I said, "It would fit in with most people's views on marriage."

And then I turned off further notifications on that post.

Because I don't need to spend my entire day spitting mad at people.

But it reminds me of when I first heard the concept of "drive-thru Christianity." I was a teenager and I was already unsatisfied with what I saw going on in churches. Hearing it called "drive-thru" Christianity just sent the point home and made me forever mad at people turning sacred things into cheap and easy and free things.

I don't know why, but this seems like a good time for a Tim Keller quote I love.

"God's grace and forgiveness, while free to the recipient, are always costly for the giver... No one who is seriously wronged can 'just forgive' the perpetrator. If you have been robbed of money, opportunity, or happiness, you can either make the wrongdoer pay it back or you can forgive. But when you forgive, that means you absorb the loss and the debt. You bear it yourself. All forgiveness, then, is costly.” - From Counterfeit Gods


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