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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Jehovah-Jireh, God Provides
5:37 p.m. || July 26, 2012

Wow, I left my diary on a sad note! Didn't mean to do that. It's just that nothing much else has been happening since that day.

Well, there is a piece of good news today. :) God has been answering our prayers and I am SO in love with His goodness today.

We've been praying and praying and praying for God's provision. In early spring, Stephen had his review, which he did exceedingly well in, and today we finally found out about his raise. He got a significant pay raise AND he got promoted!!

And I am seriously so happy right now.

(LOL...After my last entry...Bipolar much?! LOL. Can't help it; diaries get all the highs and the lows recorded and nothing in between, because that would just be boring! :) )

Anyway. Our next decision is, how much longer do we sign our lease for when it comes up in October? With the raise, we can afford a nicer/better/bigger place, BUT (there's always a but)... We could also choose to stay here another 2 years and pay down our debt rapid-quick and then have even more extra money around. I know Dave Ramsey would tell us to go for the debt. So it's a decision...Something we need to be praying about.

That's about it for news over here. I could write about my vacation with Steve's family. But there wasn't that much to tell. We went to the beach; it was a good time, very low-key, as usual; we cooked dinner Thursday night and Stephen nearly lost it at cleanup...He was just overwhelmed by all the work, I think. Poor boy! I got a new, ADORABLE 50s-style swimsuit, red, and got to wear it in a hot tub, which was lovely. I don't think I've ever truly appreciated hot tubs before. Maybe I'm getting old. Ha! :P

Bother, it's midnight...I need to be shuffling off to bed.

Oh, I saw My Fair Lady for the first time today. Funny movie! I liked it, but I didn't like the end much.

Speaking of musicals, Les Mis is coming out in December and I can't WAIT!


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