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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Vague Concerns About Church...
12:16 a.m. || September 28, 2012

Well, I just posted an entry, but here's another one. (Wow. Writer extraordinaire lately.)

I'm worried about our new worship pastor. I'm very afraid that he is going to be very, very disillusioned with our church and leave.

Our church leadership is very comfortable with understanding Christianity with their heads and not so great at letting their faith move their hands and feet to the broken, poor, needy, etc. Theoretically, they would agree, but practically, it doesn't show. And our church body has followed suit (and I don't think it's good for them either, because they don't have the deep knowledge behind their faith that the leadership does, but they just blindly agree that they don't need to go any further than parroting the words they've heard from the leadership team).

And our new worship pastor is exactly the opposite. He probably doesn't have a college-level understanding of all the ins and outs of Christian theology like all our leaders do (but I bet he will by the end of his time with us!), but it seems, from his blog, like he is moved in his heart toward the broken, poor and needy. Although even there I don't think he has a driving passion for it--just a vague emotional inclination.

So I'm really worried.

But you know what? If our worship pastor leaves us and is able to explain to us that it is because we don't love like Jesus does, maybe it'll shake them up enough to start changing that direction.


Sometimes I hate feeling like I see what's going on so clearly around me. Because then I'm not sure what to do about it. Because maybe I'm wrong. But I don't think I am.

And I should say, that it was at least very encouraging tonight, on the church's part, when four or five of the women (WOMEN!) at Bible study tonight voted for our "service project" to be serving the homeless in the big city after dark. I didn't vote for that because being downtown in the big city after dark with just a bunch of women scares me to death, from a safety perspective. Although, now that I think about it, the group we'd be doing it with does this every single Thursday night, so I'm sure they've been through that safety thing.


Bed time. *yawn*


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