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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Ides of March Indeed!
5:48 p.m. || March 15, 2013


I mean really!

And all in the last 2 hours, too.

On the way to the library, I got scared half to death by a train. I had to cross some railroad tracks and, I kid you not, I was right in the middle of thinking, Wow, I haven't had to stop for that stupid train in a long time, AS I was about to cross the tracks, the lights started flashing. And I look to my right and HOLY COW the train is 40 feet away!!!! It was going super slow, but it scared me to DEATH! I braked for a millisecond, but realized I was coming too fast for the guy behind me not to rear-end me, so instead I slammed on the gas. And shook like a leaf the rest of the way to the library.

And then at the library I find out they've been robbed. There's a cop investigating and everything. They have the guy's picture floating around. I'm still not clear on how it happened, but they didn't seem too shaken up--mostly stumped on why on earth a guy would rob a library.

Anyway, so 2 hours later, I get out of the library to find some jerk has written in the dirt on the back of my car (it's a hatchback, so it gets pretty filthy with rain splatter), "Clean this d*** car."

I cannot tell you how that made me feel. Personally violated is the best word for it.

It hurt all the way home.

And then, as I was sitting at a red light (this is still on my way back from the library), I watched a guy on a bike cross over the crosswalk directly opposite of me. He hit the button for the crosswalk on the opposite side, and then promptly fell right of his bike. Ow!!! He got up, so I think he was okay. But it sure looked like it hurt.

And then, finally, the stupidest of stupid things, traffic is INSANELY backed up the rest of my way home. It took me a half an hour when it normally takes me 10-15 minutes. I turned on the radio to find out WHAT GIVES, not putting too much stock in the idea that the radio would tell me, because our little corner of the metropolitan area is not a hot spot for news coverage, even if it's traffic coverage, but what do you know. First thing I hear: "The accident at ****** Street [my street] has cleared, but traffic is still backed up all the way to..."

Oh, and I forgot. My car started making weird noises. I need to get it checked out.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupidest of stupid days. I wish typing could articulate what a large, complaining groan I am making internally on how stupid of a day this is.

Okay. I feel much better now.

At LEAST I got stuff with Joy figured out. She's coming over for dinner Monday night.


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