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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Back Once Again!
8:03 p.m. || January 10, 2005

Well, I'm back at college again! I'm kind of glad. It's good to be back with all my friends here.

Okay, random, since I'm really not in the mindset to actually write about being back at college: I got THE CUTEST little stuffed tiger. You might've seen them in Wal-Mart in the Valentine's Day section. They're little keychain stuffed animals with big heads--like those cards where the dog's (or cat's or whatever's) nose is RIGHT UP to the camera--and it's soft and has got big eyes and a little frowny mouth and is just adorable. My mom said I should name it Dorble. Short for "adorable." :D

I wish I had a digital camera here; I'd take a picture of him!

Hey! That reminds me! I should tell my mom to get a CD for my pictures that she will be getting developed for me. She could send them to me with the CD and I might be able to post some of them on this website. Yay! Maybe I will call her tonight and ask her.

Okay, so, back at college... I came back with at least twice as much stuff as I left with, it seems. Get this: four suitcases. (Two big, two little.) A duffel bag. (Duffel? That does not look right, but neither does duffle.) A little bag. A backpack. Three big plastic bags full of stuff. Insane!!

But I've gotten nearly everything sorted out and put away in my room. The 6 luggage-type bags and three plastic bags have virtually disappeared. Yay! I'm so glad I'm somewhat organized. (Key word: somewhat!) I just wish I wasn't such a pack rat. :)

I ate at Dex for the first time at dinner. Gag me. First day back and they didn't have anything that sounded or looked appetizing... I had a cheeseburger and fries. The fries were good. C'est tout.

Wow, I really need to take a shower, but I'm talking to Isaac. Oh well. {happy smile} One of the good things about being back at school is I don't have to sleep in a 35-degree room! So it doesn't matter if I go to bed with wet hair.

Well, okay, 35 degrees might be a little bit of an exaggeration. But not much. We don't have heating upstairs in my house. At all. It's COLD. (The solution is flannel pajamas and about 6 blankets--one of them being a denim-covered comforter. And pull the sheet over your ear and head, because when your head is freezing cold it is IMPOSSIBLE to sleep.)


I am really going to miss my church. I love that warm, comfortable little Nazarene church at home... {sigh} And our interim pastor is just the best! But, alas! I must resolve myself to the college church here... :(

I'm SO EXCITED to be going back to French class!! Aw, Mr. F... That sweetheart. :D I can't wait to see him again.

I still have to get my books. And sign up for choir again. Yay, choir! I'll get to sit with Kelly and Jenny and Mindy again...

{sad smile} I think I will have Kelly withdrawals in French class. She's not going to do 2nd semester because she already took a semester her freshman year and doesn't need another one. So sad! But at least Jana's still in there.

I decided I'm going to have to have Jana listen to the song "Rawhide" on my Coats CD. There's one part where they guy goes off onto a completely random spiel that's just hilarious and reminds me so much of Jana's "ah-dee-hoe" speech in French class that one time! LOLOL!! I will have to have her listen to that song sometime.

Do you know what's annoying? I asked for a CD player--a boom box, not a portable one--for Christmas so I could listen to music in my room without my headphones. I got it! You know what? I forgot it. AGH! So Mom's going to have to mail it to me... That'll be, like, $8.00 postage! Poor Mom. I should reimburse her for all the packages she's had to send me here. Goodness.

Okey dokey. I think I am done jabbering about college for the time being. Later!


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