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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Life Looks Up
1:49 p.m. || January 31, 2005

Yeeesss!! I got me a USB drive today. My computer has been telling me for the last few days that my free space left is REALLY low. (5%) So I went and took yet another $35 out of my checking account to pay for it... But I am really glad I did. Now I don't have to worry about saving stuff.

WOW. I took off PhotoSite out of my Net drive and I went from having 70 mb of space used up to 25. That is a huge application! Good grief!

AIM seems to work on all the computers here, so I may just take it out of my USB drive... We'll see.

This is cool. How are you smart? Not how smart are you, but how are you smart? Take this quiz: Multiple Intelligences.

Not suprisingly, I'm sure, to any of you, my first strength was music, my second language, and my last math. Asked to judge myself, I probably would've put language before music... Or equated them. They are only .7 apart in scoring. But I LOVE music and all their questions on music seemed to say "Do you like music?" so I answered 5 for all of them. :) I should've answered 5 for all the linguistic ones, too. I LOVE LANGUAGE.


Guess what! Today was my last day of Intro to Teaching until May 2nd! That is SO weird... But it makes my Wednesdays less crazy! And I'll only have 3 classes on Mondays and 2 on Fridays. That rocks. :) I like also that it's my class right after chapel. I can get lunch during that time now so I don't have to endure all the chaos of the hundreds of students coming from chapel and flooding into the cafeteria all at once! I like this. I like this a lot.

Wow. I am really happy right now. Must be that the SUN has been out for the last few days, and I got a USB drive! Woo! Life is good. :D

But I think of my friends whose lives are not so good right now, or they are really stressed. And so I say a little prayer.

Lord, right now I bring before you all the people I have recently interacted with who are undergoing tough times or stressful times. I lift up to you Eowyn, Courtney, and Jennifer, who are still enduring depression and feelings of worthlessness. Lord, please remind them that You love them dearly. Remind them that they are princesses in Your eyes and Your own daughters whom You love so much. Lord, I pray that You would continue to work in them so that they will finally be able to climb out of the holes they find themselves in. I pray that You would make Your light shine on their lives so that they can see You more clearly. Lord, draw them to Your side, for they love You and want to come back.

Of course, God, I also bring to You Nicole. Thank You for speaking to her heart. Thank You for loving her so much. Thank You for being the kind of God that never, ever says goodbye. Lord, please continue to work in her, and be light through me to her. You know that's the cry of my heart. Thank You, Father, for working in my life to make me Your servant. Use me, O Lord, and please don't let me get in the way of what You want to do. I love You, Jesus.

Lastly today, Lord, I pray for those facing a lot of stress with homework and things this week, and specifically for Isaac and other college seniors who on the final stretch of their college careers. God, give them strength as they finish up their senior projects. Give them rest, and please just be with them as life continually throws other stuff their way that might get them off track. Father God, I know You are strong, and I know that You are big enough to be these students' strength.

Love You, Jesus.
Your child, Stephanie

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