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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Random Thoughts, Great Happiness
5:26 p.m. || March 22, 2006

Random thoughts for the day:

"I can't marry a quiet person!" Lacey was saying. "I am not quiet! I've never been attracted to quiet people. Stephanie is quiet!" I grinned in acknowledgement. "But J****** is even quieter!" J. is a guy who apparently has gotten more attached to her than she is to him. She was expressing her frustration about the situation; she said she felt guilty telling him that she wasn't interested in more than a friendship with him. It turned into a great discussion on sin and naturally went into a lot of other stuff. I was glad I had dropped in. But I still wonder--obviously Lacey sees that I am quiet. She is not quiet--at least not like I'm quiet. What does she think of me, then?

Today in Psychology we talked about prejudices. It was absolutely fascinating. Did you know--or have you ever really thought about it--that our brains naturally categorize things? And so we categorize people, too. It's the way our brains are wired. I thought that was FASCINATING, since my roommate has this thing with making judgments on people based on their appearances. She really doesn't like it. I think she's learning, slowly, that it is natural to do that, but she really struggles with it. That's why I thought it was really interesting and kind of funny when Ponsford said, "That's the way our brains are wired, and if you don't like it, then you can ask God in heaven why he made us like that." Sounds like something I'd like to ask!

I miss my aunt and cousin. They live in town, and I have seen next to nothing of them this whole year. I miss them so much. A week or so ago, I went to one of the nights of the musical production here, and afterwards saw them. AleAnn came right out running at me and gave me a hug. I missed her birthday... Not even a birthday card... And she still hugged me. It was probably the most vibrant expression of unconditional love that I had encountered in a long time. I really, really miss her and I miss them. I told my aunt that after break, before the semester ends, I'm going to make a point of visiting them. One Saturday, maybe, when I don't have a big paper due in the next week. Maybe AleAnn can join me for a game of Tales of the Crystals... I've been promising my more sentimental friends that we are going to be little kids again for a day and play that game. :) Bringing AleAnn into it might be a great idea... Hmm... She's very controlling, however. LOL. For an 8-year-old. I'll think about it... Jenny would love the idea, I know. She loves little kids. Anyway!

Spring is here, spring is here, spring is here! The grass is greening, the forsythia, daffodils, and crocuses are blooming, the lilacs are budding... Everything is coming back to life! The wind was warm today. That's a HUGE factor here in telling that spring has come! And it rained last night. It rained--it didn't snow or frost, it rained. That means the night temperatures are warmer too. :) I have a feeling that by the time we get back from Spring Break, this campus will be beautiful again.

So I'm in a state of great happiness. YAY SPRING!


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