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Crashed Computer, Cute Clothes and Changes
8:31 p.m. || June 12, 2006

Grandpa killed the computer. Killed it dead. Somehow he managed to make everything disappear from the hard drive, the second hard drive, everything everything. I am a little bit upset.

When Grandpa told me (I actually found out accidentally--Grandma was on the phone: "No, our computer's dead", she said; Me to Grandpa: "WHAT!! Since when?!!"), I just stared at him, aghast, for a minute or so. On the verge of absolute (and foolish) rage, I checked myself, shook my head, and just said shortly, "Okay." There's nothing I can do. I don't fix computers, and apparently it's unrecoverable anyway. But man. That sucks.

I'm on the laptop we kind of accidentally got for free. My grandpa's nephew used to talk to my Grandpa a lot on AIM, and he would try to e-mail him things, but Grandpa had a Mac and Michael had a PC, so Grandpa never could open them. So Michael up and sent Grandpa his old laptop, just for that reason. And then a few days later Michael deleted AIM "because my family never talks to me." I think (don't know) it was a bit of melodrama on his part... Michael, I think, has always been a little melodramatic. He's sick. He has MS pretty bad.

Aye-yi... There were a lot of IM conversations on that computer I would've liked to have still. The rest wasn't terribly important. Remind me to always, always have a back up plan. :(

So on the upside, I went shopping today with my sister and got some really cute stuff. We went to Maurice's. Sam was nice enough to let me buy things on her Maurice's card she just got. I will be paying her back as soon as I get my first summer paycheck from Domino's.

Oh, I started work there today. Thank goodness he started me on a Monday. It was slow; I got off about 45 minutes early. It was really strange being back there, a newbie again. There are two girls I met who have been working there for a while. One's 18, I think. The other is 20 but she'll be turning 21 soon. They were both telling me what I should do and shouldn't do, asking me about what I was doing or had done and stuff. It was just weird, since they were younger than me or almost my age. Kailin wasn't that bad, but Lacie, since she's an assistant manager, got freaked out at me kind of easily.

Joey's there again, which makes me happy. He was funny, and is funny--less so now 'cause he's a manager, but he's still fun to have around. And Kailin told me the funniest thing. So last summer Joey was always like, "Where are the donuts? Gimme some donuts!" He loves donuts. ::shrug:: Anyway, so now if we get a low load time (meaning we make the pizzas and throw them in the oven in good time) each week, he brings in donuts. :D I think it's hilarious! He's such a goofball. And pretty patient, which, with me, in this job, is the best quality in the world!

It was funny hearing Lacie tell me things. She sounded EXACTLY like Ty and Joey. I don't even remember what it was she was saying--oh yeah! "Thanks for coming in today, [name]." The same exact words in the exact same robotic tone that Ty always says it. It's the "formula" for...what would you call it...treating employees well? That and, "You're doing a great job, [name]."

I'll have to remember to eat something before I go to work and to bring a water bottle. I forgot both today (well, didn't have time to eat, really, after shopping). It wasn't too bad since I only worked for two and three-quarters of an hour. But it'll get worse and I know it.

Guess what! Good news. I got me some shorts while out shopping today that are long enough for work. Hallelujah! No more tromping around in 100 degree weather in pants for me. I'm so glad.

I also got a super-cute tube top that I wouldn't or couldn't show my grandparents. They do not approve of tube tops. At least my grandpa doesn't... I don't think my grandma cares much; probably because she's a girl and knew what it was like to want to keep up with the fashion all the time. :) Granted, the fashion in her days was much different than mine, but I bet she wore the occasional V-neck for fashion purposes. :)

::looking at 50s clothing:: You know what, 50s clothing is kind of cute. Isn't retro "in" now?

Now, if they'd just bring back corsets and bustles. :D Just kidding! Wait a sec--corsets are "in" now, aren't they? Not real ones, though, and you wear them as outerclothes now instead of underclothes.

Fashion is crazy.

I think nowadays it changes too fast for there to be a general decade in the future for our style of clothes today. My generation's kids will probably look at our old clothes and say, "Oh, that is so 2005!" or "That is so 2004!" LOL.

I wonder, with today's rap/hip hop/R & B rage, if cussing will become the norm by the time we are parents? Hm. I wonder how I can guide my kids not to use words if that's going to be the case? Oy... Just remind me not to move to an urban area.

You know something? Teaching is not a field that changes quickly. One of my education professors told me that, so I know it's gotta be right. Why is that? Why are our teachers the ones who hold back when everyone else is jumping on the top-technology bandwagon, the latest-fashion bandwagon, or the today's-slang bandwagon? I mean, why teachers? And if there is a particular reason, is there something we can learn from that?

Well, I ought to get off and go do other things. Check MySpace and such. I'll post something about our dead computer on there, too, I think.


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