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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Start to an Exciting Year!
1:33 p.m. || September 01, 2006

Well... I have 15 minutes before I leave for work. Ah well.

I already feel a strong need to have an hour to just write about whatever I want to write about, not thinking of how much time I have and where I have to go next. It's too early in the year for that. :P

Things have calmed down ever so slightly. I'm still not caught up in my reading for Minority Voices... We have to read 70 pages at a time in that class. :P But luckily I have a THREE DAY WEEKEND now!!!! This is the first year in a long time, perhaps ever, that NNU has had Labor Day off like the rest of the world. :) I don't know what held them back. It couldn't have been that it was so close to the beginning of the year, because they give us the first Monday after classes start off spring semester (so, in January)--Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I believe.

I love my Literature for Secondary School class! I also love Shakespeare and I like Minority Voices. We're reading a really good book called Ceremony by Leslie Silko. I can't put it down (and I'm still behind! shows you how much time I have :P). It's so good so far...

Tonight I go to the SGA Luau with my roomies at 5:30. Amy brought stuff to dress up in. :) Good thing, 'cause I forgot mine.

Our furniture is moved in! And our walls our painted. Our fridge is still empty, but we're getting there. I'm really liking this school year... It's gonna be great, I just know it.

Got my new laptop set up (thanks Mom!!! :D ) and all my music moved over to it from my desktop computer. Sam's gonna get my desktop since she's in college, too, now and needs a computer. (It's neat to say that. :) )

I've gone to the two chapels. They're as hard to pay attention in as always. We're required to go to 32 chapels a semester, which happen at 10:20 a.m. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

The semester ends early this year. I get FOUR WEEKS (and a few days) of Christmas vacation time!!! YAHOO!! That's so incredibly exciting.

I am so excited for this year. I just hope I can remember to keep my focus on God and to trust Him. I've been having difficulty with that lately. :P

Today in my French/Spanish class (an explanation for another time, perhaps), the Spanish prof gave a presentation in, duh, Spanish. My French prof gave a presentation in French, too. I expected not to understand a word of the Spanish and wasn't disappointed, LOL. But I only understood half of what M. F said! It was frusrating... And made me nervous about this year. I wanna understand 100% of what he says by the end of this year. Here's to hoping and hard work!

Off to work!!


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