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Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Life is Great!!
2:48 p.m. || November 21, 2006

It is SIXTY-EIGHT degrees outside!! Life is great!!

I hope this weirdly warm weather holds out till tomorrow night so I don't freeze to death in my Homecoming dress.

Going to see Christmas lights with Kevin Dec. 3! Awesomeness!!

According to the Data Matches that we got back today, Kevin and I are as uncompatible as you can get! He is number two on my list, I am number one on his for least compatible. When I saw him today in the Student Center we had a good laugh about that. "I think we're pretty compatible!" he said. "We're both analytical beyond all hope..."

"Yeah," I laughed with him. "We get along just fine." What do surveys know?? :)

Kevin and I make good friends. More than that... Eh, that's up for debate. But I do enjoy his friendship.

I looked down at my feet, enclosed in tight 3-inch heels.
"Why are you doing this to us?!" they screamed at me.
"Beauty! Now put a sock in it!"
Upon entering my room, I announced to my roommate, "Well, that was a pain in the foot."

I decided it isn't gray skies that get me down, it's freezing temperatures. Because today the sky was gray and I was in one of the best moods ever. So, the solution is, I need to move to the other side of the Cascades. ;)

I discovered today that next semester, not one or two, but FOUR of my classes are quads. Which means first quad I will only have 14 credits. Second quad I will only have 13. SWEET!! It comes out to 17 credits total... I'm debating adding a 2-credit class... That'll come out to 19 credits total, but seriously, 13 credits?! I'm not going to know what to do with myself! Work more hours at the library? Tutor? Or do I want to add a really fun class that I want to take? Decisions decisions!

I am in such a good mood today.

I need to write poems for the poetry contest!! That's one of my assignments for a class. Yes, life rocks. :D

And a great big HA!

I stepped into a chatroom today. First time in I don't know how many years. They were doing a trivia quiz! One of my favorite chat room activities. I joined in. Before long, I had an IM from somebody. Carlo973. He greeted me with the extremely original (sarcasm!!) "a/s/l" (age/sex/location). Good Lord, can't these ninnies come up with anything more creative? I immediately assumed he was some idiot webcam addict and responded accordingly. ::devilish grin::

Me: I'd really rather not share that information with you

"Why?" the witty Carlo973 responded.

Not impressed, I replied, "You can't come up with a better opening conversational line than that?"

Oh-ho-hooo, did I step on some toes with that one! I laughed at his response--again, very witty. ::rolls eyes::

Carlo973: i guess its better that way as long as the person means respect and just plain old conversation. or would you rather want me to be disrespectful?

You're really not helping your case here, I wanted to say. Instead, after thinking a moment, I parroted my grandfather: "You never know a person's intentions online."

Getting brighter and brighter, Carlo973: yeah that's why I don't judge them if they can't come up with a "better conversational sign' (Sheesh, he must've been spitting nails to make that many mistakes.)

I knew exactly what I wanted to say to that. "Really? That's precisely why I stay skeptical." Note: SKEPTICAL. That word was used on purpose! Does Carlo973 catch on? Let's find out.


Yelling now! Good heavens, what would he do next? Sign off with a slam, like a spoiled teenager? I waited. No notification of his signing off. Feeling sportive again, I typed a line: "Yelling at me isn't going to help your chances." Man! I was being such a brat! The only person I've ever spoken to like that, online OR off, is my sister back when we were screaming at each other for taking the Barbies we wanted.

For the first time, Carlo973 seemed to calm down. "Didn't mean to, it was an accident." But then he topped it off with, "Chances? Didn't had one to start with." (Typos included.)

I had to think about that one for a bit. My instinct was to retaliate just as violently as I had been doing. But I knew I shouldn't fully revert back to my Barbie-stealing days. I wanted to appear more mature than that. So instead I clarified my word of choice from earlier, since apparently he didn't grasp the meaning of it then. "Skepticism is not the same as close-mindedness," I said, meaning, I'm open to talking to you, if you prove yourself worth conversing with. To soften the edge, I added, "Glad to know you didn't mean it, though." I don't think it did much, however, in light of my next clause: "That would've been a little immature."

And apparently it didn't, judging from his next comment, the queen of all brilliant responses:

Carlo973: not having a better opening conversational line is not the same as knowing a person's intentions online either. and you know whats immature? if you decided to get mad even if i intended to yell. you wont level with someone like that right?

By now I was just about ready to say, "If you think I'm so immature, why are you still talking to me?" Just to see if it'd make him sign off. I held my tongue--er, fingers. But aside from that retort, I didn't have a single thing stored in the back of my brain to respond with. That meant I'd have to think about it. Till now I hadn't really had to think about what I was saying (although, arguably, I should have). So I took a loooooong time to respond. In the end, I didn't have anything witty that wasn't also scathing. So I had to go with less witty. I put my last remaining iota of sting into it this time:

Me: not that this is a phenomenal comeback, but I'm inclined to point out you're not responding in the most mature manner, either.

He must've sensed my wit giving out, because he finally cooled down and showed me, remarkably, a thread of humanity.

Carlo973: im sorry

At last, the last embers of my fire burned out. I simply said, "Thank you. Now let's start over. Hi, I'm Stephanie."

I loved what he said next: "Whew! I had to go through all that just to get your name! Hahahahaha."

Feel the power in this fingertip translation of a tongue. ::grin::

The rest of the conversation was much calmer. And in fact, my hotheaded friend, after expelling all his anger, was not much of a conversationalist. We exchanged a few sentences, and then the conversation died. I don't know what the deal was. But after a while, I just closed out of the window. All Carlo973 got from me was my name, in case any of you are worried. I refused to give him my age or location. Maybe that's what caused him to lose interest.

I should include those lines from the conversation; they're pretty good. :) Sometimes I surprise myself with wit.

I learned his name was Carlo, and after exchanging friendly greetings, Carlo asked, "Age?" I replied:

Me: ah, that, monsieur, is information I would prefer not to give out. that and my location.
Me: apologies if it's any inconvenience, but I don't think not knowing a person's age and location is a hindrance to a conversation
Carlo: of couse not. its a hindrance to conversation and friendship :-)
Me: touche
Carlo: no comment, i just never win

LOL! The modern-day Tybalt is no match for Beatrice's wit!

And the moral of the story is: It's fun to be who you're not sometimes.

But man, oh man, I can't keep it up for long!! :D


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