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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Bonafide Jerk
12:52 p.m. || July 06, 2007

The irony of the word "bonafide" in the title of my entry is that "bona fide" means "good faith." And a jerk is NOT a person of "good faith."

I talked to my friend Mindy today (love you to death, Mindy! and not for just telling me about the jerks I get involved with ;) ) and she let something slip about Jerkface (aka Kevin) receiving my letter. It was enough to get my curiosity going and, against my better judgment, I asked he reacted: "I would like to know, kind of, what his reaction was. But if it isn't worth hearing...Just don't tell me."

"It isn't worth hearing," Mindy confirmed. Ugh. She said just a little more. Enough, anyway. Apparently, Jerkface basically called my letter a "hate letter." In front of a bunch of people who happen to be my friends.

I'LL SHOW YOU A HATE LETTER!! I felt like saying.

Ugh. I'm so mad at him. He's a jerk, "a bonafide jerk" in my mom's words. My first personal encounter with them ever.

Sigh. I am just SO GLAD that nothing really ever happened between us. So glad. And he can continue in his jerkiness for all I care. I will not speak to him.

Realistically, I think what'll happen is I'll try to be nice to him at first (trying to show him that that letter was NOT a hate letter!!) and say hi and stuff, but not much else, and when he brings up the letter--which I KNOW, without any shadow of a doubt, he will--I'll just zip my little mouth shut, and never ever speak to him again. I've got to at least ATTEMPT to erase his erroneous image of me. But if it doesn't work, which it won't, I'm done.



I do feel as if I've crossed some sort of milestone. My parents divorced when I was young and as a kid starting to become interested in love I was always afraid that I would end up divorced like my mom. I could see how hurt she was; that didn't escape me, and I dreaded falling into the same situation myself.

Now I've met a bonafide jerk and been burned, and I've come out okay. Better for it without suffering much injury. Thanks be to God, I say. :)

My life should be a TV show.

In much better news, I'm leaving for Camp May-Mac tomorrow!!! WOOHOO!!!


MAN, I've had this diary for 5 years now!! :O

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