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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Stupid Day
7:31 p.m. || January 08, 2011

So after reading this whole long rant entry, I realized I really need to forgive everyone I'm mad at, or I'll never be happy.


Well, today was a mess.

But I didn't have to have my root canal today.

The stupid schedulers at my dentist called to reschedule my root canal consultation and treatment. The only option they gave me was Saturday. I was like, "Um, I work on Saturdays from 9-2."

Which reminds me. I have to forgive my friends...again...for planning important things on Saturdays between 9 and 2. How hard is it to remember, that's the ONLY day Stephanie works?! It kills me every time, makes me feel so hurt and unconsidered and unloved. I have to forgive them, but it's so hard. So pray for me.

Anyway, so I told them I work from 9-2 and they're like, "Can you come AT 2?" I'm like, well, no, but I can try.

So I tried. And today was just crap. Duane is a nice guy but is not easy to work with. He's insecure about a lot and doesn't consider that I can help him. So I voluntarily tried to help him today when it got busy-ish, but then I screwed it up, and Duane basically said, "Why don't you let me do it?" So I let him, feeling awful. Oh, how I miss Georgene in these times.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I had about 15 deliveries to make today and when I got to the shop only two were done. We sent two with our delivery service. The majority of rest were these mug arrangements this one doctor sends out to his patients every couple of months--VERY simple to make. But Duane got the big ones out of the way, helped customers and answered the phone, and then at 12:30 he finally got to the mugs. An hour before I had to LEAVE to get to my appointment on time. And he had 6 to do. It takes me at the very least 10 minutes to make one delivery, and that's provided I can find the addresses and provided they aren't over 3 miles apart each.

So 15 minutes later, he finishes the mugs, and I load up and hit the road at 1:00 or so. He DID let me help with the mugs--I put the cards with the addresses into them. Whoopie.

Anyway. So I have a half hour to deliver 6 arrangements. As you can imagine, that didn't happen. I ended up not delivering one of them because I couldn't find the address and did not have time to search for it. I texted Stephen in between and told him I was going to be late, and to tell the dentist.

At 2:15 I finally rolled back into the shop's parking lot. Speedy-quick, I gathered up all my stuff and the undelivered mug and locked up the van. I skipped locking up the garage and went straight in, took the sheets with my delivery times off the clipboard and said, "Can you put these in for me?" without really giving him much choice. I clocked off as fast as I could, said my goodbyes and drove 15 minutes down to my appointment.

So, as you can imagine, my dental appointment didn't go quite as planned either. We only did the consultation and rescheduled the first root canal re-treatment for a week from Monday. We did determine, however, that #30 needs to be done before #15. #30 is pretty infected and the bone loss will be much worse if we wait on it. So yay. Ugh.

Stephen got a shock when he saw the prices laid out in front of him by the stupid scheduler guy. I was expecting the $3000 total, but he wasn't. Apparently when he called them back in November and asked them what the cost would be, they told him $700. I do NOT know what they were smoking when they told him that! A root canal + a crown has NEVER, EVER been $700. It has ALWAYS been about $3000. So obviously there were miscommunications there, and as a result, we don't have enough in our Flexible Spending Account to cover it. Not even for half of it, which is what's left after insurance. Disgusting.

Anyway, so we obviously are only doing one tooth this year, unless God dumps a huge blessing on our head. Which he could do, and we would be very grateful, but he hasn't in the past and I don't necessarily think he will. God promises he'll take care of us. Who knows what that might entail, but it does NOT necessarily mean that he will just randomly dump on us the exact amount of money we require for X, Y and Z. Once in a blue moon--I've heard personal stories and it's great. But it has not been my experience thus far.

So anyway, more dental work this year and more dental work next year. Yay. I'm sick and tired of it and just want it over with more than anything.

Okay, I think that's enough ranting for one day. :( Keep us in prayer...Just keep us in prayer.


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