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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Some Good News...
10:08 p.m. || March 18, 2012

Saturday did not turn out as badly as I was afraid it was going to. Much to my surprise, I got off work at 12:30. Turns out two of my deliveries were to the same location, and two of them my supervisor sent with our delivery service that takes deliveries for locations we don't go to.

It was still a fruitful day. I think there were 13 or 14 orders altogether. Hooray for that!

AND because I got off so early, I got to go to Brynn's whole party! It was so good to see Amy, Jon, and Brynn again, and I also got to see Sara, Rachel (with Izzy), and Tori and Carlos (with Annabelle).

Now, some other news. Today I got a call from a grocery store I applied at asking me to come in for an interview at 3. So I went! It was interesting. I had applied for a bagging job and also a florist position. I won't go into great detail about everything, but it turns out that they aren't able to hire me as a bagger right now because I work Saturdays, and Sundays I'm not available. The weekends are obviously some of their busiest times, so that doesn't work. :/

BUT I learned something very very very valuable from that interview. I mentioned that I had applied for the florist position as well and talked a bit about my experience with it. At the end, I asked, "Would my limited experience be a hindrance to my employment as a floral designer?" And she said NO, that would not be a problem, and even told me that they have hired people before with no experience! Because they offer some training. How rockin' is that?! I am SO stoked about the idea. This grocery store in particular has a very, very nice floral section and I would be thrilled to design for them.

So! The thing to ponder now is...Do I leave my Saturday job for this one? That IS the million dollar question. Tomorrow, I am going to call and confirm whether I would be required to work Sundays if I was hired on as a florist there. It was a bit unclear in the interview, since we were talking about two different jobs. And then I will just have to decide from there.

SO. Be praying for me, if you think of me, for this. I'm excited about the very real prospect of becoming a designer... Finding out that I didn't have to have tons of experience was such a relief!! Wow! I will apply with a whole lot more confidence now.

Let's see, anything else to say? Spring is coming...Slowly but surely. The weather has been very March-ish. In other words, totally psychotic! Today it hailed at random points during the day. The sun peeked out a few times but BR-R-R-R it was cold!! But trees are starting to flower and daffodils and crocuses are out, and tulips will be out in color soon. :)

OH YEAH! Such a random encounter today at church! This is a great story.

Stephen saw a "young couple" in church today and, true to his outgoing nature, greeted them and chatted them up. And he found out they were on spring break from NNU!! What the heck?! And it gets crazier. Not only did I graduate with his older sister--someone I look up to and admire!--but he is dating a girl whose sister I took one of my floral design classes with! SO RANDOM!

He's not from here, but his girlfriend is. I've never seen her parents before, and they identified with the Nazarene church, so I'm not sure if they just randomly decided to go to our church today, or if they have only been attending a short time, or what the deal is there. I hope I see them again next week. :)

Oh yeah, and also funny: my aunt is good friends with his mom. I knew that when I was going to school with his sister, Kylee, because Gail told me. But wow, how hilarious! I texted Gail after church and told her about the encounter, and she said, "Cody! Is he on spring break from NNU? He's a good kid." Haha! Connections everywhere. :)

So, yesterday was a whole heck of a lot better than I thought it was going to be and today was also good. I am so glad. And I am so sorry (to God) of how I totally lost faith in God's goodness on Friday. :p That was a miserable display of how weak our faith can be. Reminds me of that song "Shifting Sand," by Caedmon's Call. I am so glad that I can always find forgiveness at the Cross.


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