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Quotes I Like from "Generation Me"
3:31 p.m. || May 01, 2012

On Careers:

"Adults cannot follow their dreams all the time, but must deal with the practical matters of getting a job that pays the bills. It's fine to tell kids to try and find a profession they enjoy, but talk of 'dreams' and being 'anything you want' creates unrealistic expectations that are bound to disappoint... Children should learn that growing up is a gradual process of learning what you're good at and what you're not. Then they have to figure out how to apply that to a career." So needed to hear this!

"I was told, growing up, that I could do whatever I wanted, and I fully believed I could. And therefore I had no idea what to do." (Quote from Chris Colin) Sounds just like me...

"There are many high-paying and rewarding occupations that do not require a college degree...If [young people] learn a skilled trade, they'll often be making more money than a college graduate of the same age...It should not be a embarrassment to be without a college degree if you're in a job that requires skill not taught in college." This was good to hear. I hope that a twist on the last thing is also true: It should not be an embarrassment to a college graduate when he/she finds that her interests lie in skilled trades that do not require a college degree.

"Students who do go to college need more career direction. Most college students are ill equipped to choose a future profession and receive little guidance during their four years at school." SO TRUE.


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