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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Lots of Stuff Going On. :P
11:15 p.m. || April 30, 2012

One of those quickie updates...I keep writing long, emotionally packed entries, not posting them, then coming back days later and going, "Oh...You know, I could summarize that." LOL. So here are some summaries of everything I have been thinking/wrestling through these days.

I am actually doing pretty well, but there is a lot of, as I said, emotionally-packed stuff going on, and I just don't have the bandwidth to process through it all to my dear Dland friends.

1. Reading an essential book called Generation Me. Such a needed read for everybody who is part of Generation Y and everybody who deals with Gen Y people.
2. Now beginning a very difficult and soul-searching time as Stephen and I try to figure out what in the world to do about children. Painful sacrifices must be made one way or another.
3. Facebook newsfeed has a way of depressing me and I am trying to not look at it as much.
4. Pray for the church at large. Two volatile movements are going on that are tearing churches and Christians apart. I don't feel like naming them right now because I have too much other stuff on my mind.
5. Went to the women's retreat, at least half of it. It wasn't bad. Met a gal there I hope I can get to know more.
6. The retreat brought back to my attention the problems specific to my church, which amount to shallowness of faith and a lack of desire to delve further into it. There are a few spiritually hungry people here and there, but so many of them, their faith is secondary to everything else in life. Especially their kids' sports (not. even. joking.). The leadership recognizes this problem and as a whole are pretty frustrated with them and don't know how to help the problem.
7. Learning a very important lesson that never got 100% through to me: HARD WORK=REWARD, NO HARD WORK=NO REWARD. Got it from my book Generation Me. Man, I love that book!

I think that's it for now. Thanks for caring & praying.


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