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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Choppy & Disconnected
1:19 p.m. || September 06, 2012

Facebook turns us all into Picasso art. All the shapes are there, but they're disjointed or not attached right or at wild angles.

Yesterday B.C. posted their latest comic strip. It shows a student ant and a teacher ant. The teacher ant says, "Tell us all what you did this summer." The student ant replies, "Isn't that kind of pointless?" The teacher ant replies, "Just assume that some of us aren't following you on Twitter."

Here (Diaryland) I feel like the image of myself is generally much closer to the reality. I usually write out all the random, wild, but strangely logical connections my brain goes through to arrive at the places I arrive at.

However, today is one of the days I feel more choppy and disconnected. So here are some random things I've been thinking about lately, Facebook-status-style.


Really good quote from Robin Jones Gunn's Finally and Forever--Katie is in Africa: "She had no way of knowing what she looked like...Katie knew she wouldn't find any clear pools of water either, where she could catch a glimpse of her reflection. The only way she could gauge her appearance was in the expressions of those who looked at her. What an interesting and different way that would be for a young woman to grow up."

This totally made me want to throw away my mirrors.


I don't know what my deal is lately. I can't get away from sleep. I just never feel fully awake during the day, and I feel as if I could fall back asleep the minute I relax. I haven't changed my sleep habits at all. And it isn't depression, at least not the depression feelings I'm familiar with. Stephen thinks maybe I'm not getting enough nutrients or exercise.

(This is why I am feeling choppy and disconnected today.)


I want to learn to appreciate things for what they are, rather than how they relate or compare to other things. Like colors. I want to appreciate a color for itself alone, not for how it relates to other colors. And I feel like appreciating a color for what it is will help me even better appreciate the relationships between colors.

And I think this goes for a lot of things in life.


Holidays are coming...Relationship with Mom needs some work...Miss my sister a lot...Miss Stephen's parents...Weather is acting bipolar again: high 80s and 90s this week...Genevieve has fleas and is being nasty mean!...Saw an adorable video the other day that made me cry...Trying to kick my spending habit (NOT EASY!)... ... ...

This is the sort of nothingness that occupies my mind when my Diaryland page stays blank for days.

I've got it! I need to watch Pride and Prejudice (the newer version). Or some other movie that I totally love. Like The Swan Princess or A Knight's Tale or The Princess Diaries. That will make me feel more connected to myself.

But first I have to go volunteer at the library. *sigh*


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