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I <3 Handcrafted Things :)
12:37 p.m. || December 08, 2012

And then there are times when you find so much peace and joy in life.

Yesterday was still bad. I sent Heidi an apology for getting control freakish while out shopping with her. I'm not sure if she's received it yet, but I will certainly know by next week.

Today, however, was wonderful. I went to my last (planned) holiday bazaar. There's a bit more of story behind it that made it such a great visit today. Three or four weeks ago, I went to a country Christmas holiday bazaar and saw some candles there. I found one I REALLY loved called Holiday Frost and bought it for my aunt. I also picked up a business card and checked out the website later.

I liked the candles so much I wanted to get more, but they were a lot more expensive on the website than they were at the shows. So I e-mailed them and asked if they were going to be at any more shows. A lady named Lynne e-mailed me back and told me about the show today.

So today I drove to the show, and when I got there, I searched for and found the table with the candles. There was a lady and a man behind the desk. A little embarrassed, I asked the lady, "Are you Lynne?" She got this funny expression on her face that read, "I obviously should know you from somewhere, but I have no idea who you are." Hahaha! When I told her I was the one who had e-mailed her, though, her face just lit up. She was so friendly and so nice. I was just pleased as punch that she was so pleased to see me, LOL.

She was all out of every size of Holiday Frost, and had only the medium size of Christmas Splendor (another favorite). She had one small Bayberry candle left, which is what I got my aunt. I would have bought little ones for myself, but was so sad that she didn't have any of the small ones in my favorite scents. So I didn't get any. But I am so keeping her card and her website. :)

After that, I browsed the other tables. One lady was selling homemade solid lotion bars, which was just intriguing enough that I ended up buying one, haha!

I just love handcrafted stuff. Especially all-natural beauty products! LOL. And I love to buy straight from the person who made them, especially at craft shows, which can be utterly boring and a waste of time if you don't have many people stop by your table. It makes my day to make their day. Plus, the sellers at shows are usually people that don't have stuff in stores, but are just barely trying to get started, and I love being able to be part of their getting-started.

I'm kind of good at helping people get from just-getting-started to further down the road. Isn't that interesting?

Anyway, good day. :) Can't wait until Christmas!


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