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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Do I Sound Tired?
8:47 p.m. || December 20, 2004

Isn't it natural to feel depressed around Christmastime? I remember reading that somewhere. And I think that's the case with me. Although I don't know why. Maybe it has to do with not having a "special someone"... Grr.

It's also depressing to go Christmas shopping all day and not find A THING that you were looking for! I went to Christian Gift, looking for Mark Schultz's CD Stories & Songs for Nate and Relient K's Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand, because there's supposed to be this deal that you buy that and get Two Lefts Don't Make A Right for free, and that would be the perfect gift for one of my friends. Christian Gift didn't have either; I'd have to order both--one from the store and one from the Internet, because I think the Relient K deal is only if you order it online.

I also couldn't find anything for my friend Rhonda. She has changed so much in the last couple years, and I haven't spent time with her in those years, and so I have NO idea what to get her, but I get her something every year!

I found something for my sister, thank goodness, but she was with me, so I couldn't buy it. But at least I know what to get her.

{smile} She's so funny. A couple days ago: "Everyone's been asking me what I want for Christmas. I tell them, 'I don't want anything.' They say, 'No! What do you want for Christmas?' I tell them again, 'Nothing! I don't want anything.' They ask, 'Don't you know the meaning of the word "selfish"?' I just say, 'I guess not.'" Etc., etc.

Today while we were shopping at a store: "Oh, you can get me that for Christmas!" LOL... Oh, Sammie. :)

Another interesting Christmas thing: I've been trying to convince my family that we should make it a tradition to all create Christmas lists, so we'll know what to get each other! Today I was telling my Grandpa this and he said to me, "I know what you can get me for Christmas. You can give money to Compassionate Ministries in my name."

I might do that.

It finally hit me that Christmas is coming. I wrapped my first presents today, that's why. As I was taping Christmas wrapping paper on, I suddenly realized, Oh, wow... It's almost Christmas. And I only have 4 presents bought! (And about 10 Christmas cards finished [yay!]. and 3 letters written.)

About the letters... This year I wasn't sure I would have the time to go shopping and get presents for everyone. So as a sort of backup plan, I started writing letters to my family telling them why I love them, basically. I've got three of those finished... I have three or four more to write. And four days till Christmas Eve. :S I just hope I can get it all done in four days...

Goodness, I am tired. That might be part of why I'm not as up as I usually am. And also part of why I couldn't find many things to buy for people today.

I'll keep pressing on...


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