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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Back From Spring Break
3:41 p.m. || March 28, 2005

So I am back from Spring Break! Definitely a short break, but I kind of liked that. Then I didn't have to go through all the trouble of unpacking all my clothes and junk and then repacking them again. I just lived out of my suitcase. :) (And my backpack, and my duffel bag...) It rained all week long. Wow. I wished for rain? I sure got it!! I wish it had been sunny ONE day of the week... Then I could see all the beauty of the valley in the springtime.

The lilacs hadn't blossomed yet. There were some grape hyacinth growing, and mixed with dandelions they were pretty. Forsythia everywhere! And I think dogwoods... But the blossoms looked so small. I didn't think they were dogwoods, but everyone else seemed to think so...

Anyway. I saw very little of my sister. :( She's always so busy...

Amazingly, I actually got irritated with her on Sunday (Easter). She was in a BAD mood and I don't know why... But it's been a long time since I've been ready to pick a fight with her like that. But some days... ARGH!

Oh, for Pete's sake. It's raining outside. I think all the rain from home is coming down here. Fiddlesticks. But heaven knows this place NEEDS it... So I really ought to be happy.

I bet the crocuses have blossomed outside the God building...

Man. On the ride up we were just three people and all our luggage. For the ride back we gained two people and all THEIR luggage. Elizabeth's boyfriend and her sister both flew up here and so we had to take them down.

Can we say crammed?

Can we say Stephanie desperately needs to learn to pack less stuff?

I didn't get to bring my flag home. :'( Mom and I worked all week to finish it so I COULD get it home! But, no.

I also didn't get my rollerblades! I need those for my stupid fitness plan!

Oh, another irritant: my French presentation that I am FAR from finishing that's due Thursday. That makes me so mad at my French teacher I could seriously drop the class TODAY... Even with a "W" for Withdrawn. Why?!?

Okay. I should calm down. I was talking about the crammed ride up.

It actually wasn't so bad, except my poor bottom was so hurting and tired when we FINALLY reached NNU...

Gina, the girl from here that we took up, was funny, which is what made the ride bearable. She and I just had a ball laughing at Ryan. He is so odd sometimes, it's just funny. He took it well. It was all in good taste, of course. :)

:::has bass from This Is Your Life (Switchfoot) stuck in head::: I really like that song. I want that CD. I didn't want it when every single person was playing it, because... Well, because every single person was playing it, and I was sick of hearing the songs! But now that they're not so huge (though still very popular), I could stand to buy it. Where is the only question; the Christian bookstore here is going out of business. :(

Hm... Wonder if they still have a copy of that CD...

I am starving. For breakfast, at 7:00 in the morning, I had a half a cinnamon raisin bagel. For lunch I had a few drinks of apple juice. Oh yeah, and a handful of crackers when we finally arrived. Dinner, I suppose, isn't until 5:00.

I am NOT NOT NOT looking forward to getting up for Psych and later facing French class tomorrow...

I need a nap!


Highlight: a month and a half left of my first year of college!!!

Lowlight: French presentation due

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