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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

2:52 p.m. || June 04, 2005



The manager of Domino's interviewed me today and hired me on the spot! I'M SO HAPPY!!

And yet at the same time, I'm groaning: "Agh. That means this is going to be my LIFE for the next 3 months." LOL! But it's only for 3 months... Surely I will survive. And then I'll start at my second job at the library at NNU. :D WOO! Money!

OH YEAH! Money!! Wow, I'm going to have a regular income now... That's insane. I'll have to learn how to fill out W-2 forms and figure out taxes and whatnot. Ick... Hopefully my mom will help me with all that.

Agh! That also means less financial aid from the government! Stinky. Oh well... That won't come into play till next year, since my FAFSA is already filled out for next year. Heehee.

Anyway! Things I need to remember for my job...

  • No earrings or rings or dangling necklaces
  • Tan pants
  • Black or white tennis shoes
  • Monday at 2:00

Oh, I forgot to say the other happy thing. :) After the interview, I headed home, and on the way I suddenly remembered that my pen pal of 5 years, Natalie, whom I've never met, is going to be in my corner of the world the weekend of July 1-3 and had asked me if I could come up those days and we could finally meet. I'd planned to say that to Ty and forgotten!!! Upon reaching home, I called my mom to tell her the good news and asked her what to do. She said I should call Ty back and ask for the days off.

So I called Domino's again. As luck would have it, Ty had just run down to the bank. The lady who answered my call asked if he had my number to call me back. I said, "Yes, I think so... He should."

But I wasn't sure! Did he have my phone number? A guy named Mike had my application. Did Ty have my number??

So I sat on the couch, stricken with worry, and waited, trying to come up with a good time to wait before calling him back, in case he didn't call.

All I could do was sit and wait there, and then the phone rang. You should've seen me! I pretty much leapt off the couch and grabbed the nearest phone. "Hello?" I knew my voice didn't hide my anxiety.

It was Ty. {sigh of relief} But I still didn't know if he'd let me have the days off...

I told him I'd forgotten to mention my "previous plans" for July 1 and 2 and to my wonder, he said, "Just those two days? Okay, that's not a problem." REALLY?!?! AAAH!! So we got that sorted out and when I hung up, I basically jumped up and down for joy and raced to my grandmother's house to tell the news. :D

My grandpa gave me some sound advice. I'm glad he's here for that. He is more level-headed than any of us women!

I can't wait to tell everyone... NEO Monday at two. WOW!



P.S. One BIG thing is going to hit me hard when I start working there: he told me if I am hyper-sensitive to yelling then this is not the job for me. I HATE BEING YELLED AT. I always take it too personally. And so I'm praying and praying hard that I won't ever burst into tears on the job and let him know the truth about my lack of ability to handle criticism. I want to learn. I'm gonna have to learn! So if any one of you thinks of it, say a prayer for me as I jump into something completely brand-new to me. :)

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