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"Spirit Orbs"
4:05 p.m. || September 17, 2006

My online friend Sabrina says some interesting things. She's 18.

SABRINA: Look at those pics i sent you

SABRINA: what is that white spot above the baby
ME: beats me
ME: it looks like a cotton ball flying at him
SABRINA: It didn't show up until after the pic was developed
ME: it doesn't look like anything to me
ME: what was your friend implying it was?
SABRINA: She doesn't know
SABRINA: I think it is a spirit orb
ME: a what?
SABRINA: spirit orb
ME: and that is...?
SABRINA: The Spirit Zone - Spirit Orbs - What are they?
SABRINA: Page Title
SABRINA: spirit photos
ME: spirit orbs, huh?
ME: and mediums
SABRINA: I think it is a relative of my friend or a guardian angel
ME: don't think they've "crossed over" or something?
ME: not the angel, the relative
SABRINA: i don't know
SABRINA: do you think it is possible
ME: generally I doubt Spiritualism
ME: I should say that differently. anything is possible, but I don't subscribe to the beliefs of Spiritualists
SABRINA: You don't believe in Guardian Angels
ME: I like the idea...but no, I don't think I do
ME: where were the guardian angels of the 3000 who died in 9/11?
SABRINA: It was their time to go
SABRINA: I don't know
SABRINA: God is in control
ME: do you really believe that? that it was "their time to go"?
SABRINA: If 3000 died then it was God's plan
SABRINA: God is in control
SABRINA: I don't know
ME: lol...okay, point taken, you don't know
ME: what a relief, 'cause I sure don't


God is in control.

I hate hackneyed pat answers.

But Sabrina wasn't done yet! Oh, no.

SABRINA: All I know is that I've seen alot of things that make me thinks spirits are real and that Guardian Angels are real
ME: you've personally seen things that make you believe in spirits and guardian angels?
SABRINA: a woman i know found out that her daughter had a rare type of Hepititas B that was killing he liver
SABRINA: and that the only was she would live was if she had a full liver transplant
SABRINA: and a liver showed up and was the right type but someone was before them on the list
SABRINA: but it turned out that the person before them couldn't take the liver and so my friend's daughter got it and survived
SABRINA: if there wasn't a guardian angel involved then how to you explain that


I seriously almost laughed. She had missed my point entirely.

ME: wait, what happened to the other person that couldn't take the liver?
SABRINA: i don't remember if it wasn't the right kind or they were beyond the point of help

Too bad. Her story would have more weight if they'd both been saved. It'd have no weight if the other person died.

SABRINA: let me tell you another story
SABRINA: the daughter's name is Julie
SABRINA: Julie is pregnant now and due next month
SABRINA: and she was driving in a car and was hit by a Semi Truck on the driver's side but she left it without a scratch and the baby is fine
SABRINA: how do you explain that?
ME: wait, what happened to the semi truck driver?

I felt like I was writing a children's book.

SABRINA: I don't know, nothing
ME: that's too bad that you don't know
ME: my point was that if Guardian Angels are supposed to keep people from getting hurt
ME: Why do some people get Guardian Angels and others don't?
SABRINA: I'm not entirely sure that's true
ME: meaning...?
SABRINA: i don't think some have and don't have guardian angels I think everyone does
SABRINA: and if they die than God wants them home
ME: and God works in mysterious ways, right?
SABRINA: yes b/c He is in control
SABRINA: I can't explain it
ME: I see


Sabrina always gives me the impression of naivete. I don't know her personally, but the way she says things--just a flat-out "I don't know; I can't explain it"--gives me that impression. I can't explain it. Right. So you just believe it without even asking for an explanation. Childlike faith and that whole bit. I could've written a whole sermon with the things she said.

Childlike faith. I'm not there anymore. College cured me of that. I want explanations. I want reasons. Intellect. ::shrug:: It's just what college does to you. I prayed aloud about that today in Sunday School--prayed for all the freshmen and the things they'll go through with questioning and doubting and skepticism. Guess I'm in a skeptical mood today. :)

Melancholic temperament. Very college-ish.

Maybe I'll be a philosophy teacher. :D


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