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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Day in the Life
4:22 p.m. || September 26, 2006

Randomness. :)

Stephanie (S): you mentioned elephants
Isaac (I): uhoh
S: I broke my bed today :)
I: what???
I: I told you not to bring any home....
I: elephants that is
I: what were you doing?
S: sighing with frustration
S: I sat quite suddenly
I: why frustration?
S: um... I think it was because I wasn't getting homework done and I had an hour before class :P
I: :-(
S: the sudden CRACK! upon my sitting down kind of stunned everything out of my memory :)
I: wow
S : scared both of us :-P
I: both?
S: and then Rebecca was like, "I told you it was breaking!!"
I: you and your talkative roommate
I: lol!
S: no, my nontalkative roommate
I: the mute one
S: lol!
I: who told you.... :-P
I: so are you getting/ have you gotten a new bed?
I: or are you sleeping on the floor with the elephant you rode in on
S: haven't gotten one yet. probably won't for another week
I: so it is the elephant!
S: yes :)
I: ah ha!
I: see I told you
S: I think I'll put my mattress on the floor and sleep on it with my covers
S: or I could sleep on the couch... or the extra bed in Amy's room
S: not sure where my elephant will sleep :)
I: and I will not stand for it
I: *lies down*
S: lol!!
I: I'm glad you find this amusing
I: because the elephant is frowning.
S: geez, I've never been yelled at for cruelty to pachyderms before
I: the elephant is frowning
I: :-(
I: frowning.
S: okay okay! off with the guilt trips... I'll go apologize to my elephant
I: thank you.
S: ::mutters:: just too sensitive.....
I: me or the elephant?
S: ha! you, the elephant and me
I: HUZZAH! we have reached an agreement!
I: *clubs a baby seal*
S: ::shocked gasp:: I'm not talking to you anymore
S signed off at 10:43:22.
(Actually, I was still there.)
I: lol!
I: sometimes I crack myself up
I: ok ok, I'm sorry
I: I do solemnly apologize...
I: *revives baby seal*
I: *throws the club away*
I: *elephant comes after me with same club* HEY!
S: you JERK
I: *runs like a fairy on hydrolites*
S: clubbing seals
S: oh my goodness
S: something I'm adamantly opposed to
I: :-(
I: *crawls into corner*
S: okay okay, enough with the pathetic face... you know I can't stand the pathetic face
S: I'm sorry
S: I shouldn't have called you a jerk
I: *peers out from under rock*
S: ::sternly:: but that was a horrible joke to make
I: :-(
I: *pouts*
I: is there anything I can do to.... remedy this mistake?
S: put on a cool face
I: a token of my sincerest apologies?
I: cool face....
I: describe
S: 8-)
I: 8-) LOL I was just doing that
S: :D
S: 8-)
S: we can be cool together
I: ok you've beat me
S: and then go out and picket for animal rights
I: 8-)
S: save the bugs

Just another day in the life. :)


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