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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Away With The Smokescreens
2:37 p.m. || October 01, 2006

I'm in a good mood today. It's been a while. :) Last week and the week before were just plain stressful.

Yesterday I went ice skating with my friend/roommate Rebecca and her brother. Apparently Rebecca took ice skating lessons when she was 14-17. I never knew that. She can skate backwards; so can her brother. They were trying to teach me. I got the basic foot movements down. I just don't have the muscle power in that part of my leg to do it. So I'll have to practice more.

Rebecca did a few...what did she call them...camels or something. Small ones; it's been several years since she's been in skating. She looked really graceful, even though they were small.

Michael (her brother) convinced Rebecca to do a twirling thing in the middle of the ice with him. They stood under one of the colored spotlights, grabbed each other's wrists, and spun around and around. I skated around the outside and watched. :D It reminded me of a scene in some movie I've seen about ice skating, and I thought, I would love to see Rebecca in love. It did something to my heart, to see her so happy. Girls like her deserve great guys...

What was really neat about the night was when she was trying her camels and Michael and I were standing off to the side, resting. As we stood there, watching Rebecca, he said, "She used to be really good. No matter what she says, she was good."

Aww! I thought it was really sweet of him to say about her. I didn't tell Rebecca. I don't know if either of them would want that. Michael would probably like her to continue seeing him as a tough guy. She sees right through him, though, no matter how hard he tries to look. :D "Michael's not a wild-party guy," she told me when he was teasing his mom, saying he was going to "throw a wild party" the weekend their parents are going to be gone. "He's really not at all," Rebecca laughed.

That's how love should be. Someone who sees straight through all the facades you try to put up, but loves you anyway. That's what makes successful friendships, family relationships and romantic relationships. Me and Liz are like that. She sees RIGHT through me, and while it's hard to be that transparent, it's also extremely healing. I would like to love someone like that.

Because words are cool:

Main Entry: camouflage
Synonyms: appearance, blind, cloak, concealment, cover, cover up, deceit, deceptive marking, dissimulation, faking, front, guise, mask, masking, masquerade, mimicry, paint, protective coloring, red herring, screen, shade, shroud, smokescreen, veil
Antonyms: display, exhibit

Main Entry: facade
Synonyms: bluff, color, disguise, exterior, face, fake, false colors, false front, front, frontage, guise, look, mask, phony, pretense, put-on, semblance, show, veneer, window dressing
Antonyms: interior, substance


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