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Gracie's Wedding
6:56 p.m. || November 04, 2006

I went to another wedding today. Poor Gracie! So many things went wrong. There were a ton of spelling mistakes in the program ("prosessional", "ressesional, "reciveing"). The little flower girl would not hold still... She was adorable, though. The special music singer didn't do so well. And then, towards the end, somewhere between the lighting of the unity candle and the pronouncement, the power went out. It wasn't out for very long, only a couple seconds. But when it came back on, a song from the beginning of the wedding started playing. Gracie looked earnestly at the music director in the balcony to make it stop. From there I everything went okay though. :D After "The Kiss" (it was in the program like that, LOL), Gracie and Paul held each other, which, I think, was the best part of the entire ceremony. Being held is what I like best. Kissing I could do without.

What was funny was that the pastor who was officiating jokingly waved them apart after they held each other a trifle too long. Paul--who is quite a jokester--made a show of pushing her back away from him and making sure they were separated. I could practically hear him saying, "LEAVE ROOM FOR THE HOLY SPIRIT!" That's a Nazarene catch phrase. Probably not just Nazarene, but conservative churches all over the U.S. :) Anyway, then they introduced the new couple and the "ressesional" played. Gracie and Paul had a video after the recessional of them... I think when I get married, I am going to do like Angela did, and have the video play during the lighting of the unity candle.

Something scary that went wrong: While we watched the video, I noticed Paul's candle, with which he had lit the unity candle, had broken and had fallen over, still lit. I was staring at it in horror, just waiting for it to burst into flames. It didn't, and it didn't, and it didn't, and I started to get really nervous, and then I saw a guy run up on stage. He fixed it. Thank goodness! That is almost enough to make me want to have electric candles at my wedding. Almost.

Or maybe I'll just have it out of doors so I'm not worrying about burning down an entire church. :)

Gracie and her family are Mexican. Before she and Paul exchanged vows, Paul's godfather read the vows in Spanish. Good heavens, Spanish can be a romantic language! And I'm not even punning. There's a bit of Spanish poetry in my Rodriguez book from Thursday's entry. One line in it is "amor de mi vida", which is so simple--all it means is "love of my life." But somehow it sounds so much more romantic in Spanish. And mi vida, which is from another book I've read this semester, is such a sweet epithet, just by itself. I wish I knew what it was about the words that makes them so...special.

The toasts were way. Too. Cute. At least, the maid of honor's was. Paul's brother, the best man, gave his toast, which was really good, funny. But some of the things Gracie's maid of honor said actually made me start crying.

I knew Gracie from Bible quizzing in my youth group years. She's the sweetest girl you'll ever meet. She's really cute and really funny. :) But she was terrified of dating and relationships. I didn't really know this. Nataleigh (Gracie's maid of honor) spoke about one day when Gracie discovered that Paul thought of her as a girl. Nataleigh remembered Gracie saying, "Paul thinks of me as a girl! I can't do this! I can't--I don't know--" Nataleigh finished her toast with, "Even though Gracie was terrified of the word 'relationship', Paul found the way to her heart."

That's where I said, "Oh, I'm gonna cry!" and threw my face down in my arms to hide it. It was so darn romantic and so exactly what I wanted someone to say about me at my wedding. :P Maybe if it happened to Gracie... I think she's a good witness to the fact that dreams do come true.

Oh, Disney. They've penetrated my mind again. :P What are they doing to us poor girls?


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