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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

This Isn't Fair.
8:01 p.m. || November 05, 2006

I don't understand why life can be totally great for one person and totally awful for someone right next to them. I've heard "Life's not fair" forever, in every book I read, every movie I see, every church sermon I listen to. It never sunk in, though. My life was fine. Others' weren't, but I could or would never get close enough to them to feel it. Now it's my sister. Life isn't treating her fairly, and I don't understand it, and this is my sister. I don't get why God is allowing me to have this great, wonderful life at a Christian college, getting fairly good grades, blessed with good relationships, no serious problems at all--while my sister's having medical problems, relationship problems, financial problems, problems of every kind under the sun. What the heck is God thinking? Why isn't He stepping in here? Why can't Sam have a good life, too? My sister's a good person. She has a heart of gold. In fact, I don't admit this often, but iin a lot of ways, she's a better person than I am. So what's the deal? Why isn't life fair?

That's what I want to know. If God's going to hurt my sister this way, how am I supposed to deal with that? Just go on blissfully believing that God is good and all-loving and all powerful and all that? I can do that; I've lived that way for 20 years now--almost 21. But I don't want to anymore. I don't want to see God the way I used to. I want Him to be more real. I want Him to show His goodness and fairness better, because right now, I'm not seeing it.


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