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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

12:25 p.m. || December 28, 2006

All right, it's time for a happy entry. :D

I got to talk to Isaac yesterday. It's been FOREVER. I don't think I've seen him on AIM this whole month of December. ::checks:: Okay, that's not true. I talked to him on the third. But holiday season has kept him busy and so we haven't chatted since then. Until yesterday. :D

The craziest thing I learned was that Isaac had been reading this diary for 2 years before he ever spoke to me. Two YEARS! A-ma-zing.

He was just a freshman in college then. I was a sophomore in high school, or going to be, anyway. Gosh, I looked back on some of my entries from then... I was SO immature. And I know in some ways I'm still immature, but man, oh man. I got mad about the stupidest things.

Last night my family and I watched White Christmas. Betty (Rosemary Clooney's character) reminds me SO much of me. The way she got so upset over the misunderstanding with Bob. The way she made a big scene over it. The way she ran off and did a show singing "Love, You Didn't Do Right By Me"--that's pretty much exactly the kind of song I would've chosen--and then the way she tried so hard to change the show once she saw Bob out there. And then the way she came back without telling him, after learning he hadn't intended to put the performance on TV. The overreacting and the regret spell me out perfectly.

Anyway. It was somewhat comforting to see a 20-something-year-old overreacting just as much as I do. I know that the ideal person wouldn't ever overreact and would handle everything life gives them with...maybe not ease, but at least with composure. I know it causes lots of problems and stuff. I've tried so hard to become that ideal person, and I still overreact. Watching White Christmas and seeing Betty on that screen made me realize that it's okay; there are different kinds of people in the world. Some are calm and take everything in stride, but some are like me and overreact to stuff. Type A and Type B personalities.

This could lead me onto a whole tangent about people and their ideal whatevers, but instead I'm going to return to my original topic, because that makes me smile, not fret.

Two years! There are so many things I want to ask him now. He told me he never, ever spoke to anyone online that he hadn't met in person before. Why not? And then why me? And did he talk to anyone else?

I have to admit, it is flattering to think that my high-school-thru-college writings were attractive enough for someone to break their habits and talk to me. :D I'm SO glad he did.

Anyway, before I get too mushy... Here's to the pod. Cheers! ::clink clink:: :D


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