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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Today's Events
8:32 p.m. || August 05, 2007

I am stinking nervous. Stephen is going to take me to the Crystal Ballroom tomorrow. And I am neeeerrrrrvvvvvous! We're meeting at a Barnes & Noble that isn't very far from where I'm at, but it's kind of a drive for him. I HATE making guys do things for me. I like to split it even. But I don't know this place at all and I have no idea what a good halfway point would be between where Stephen lives and where I live. And he's worried about Monday rush hour traffic; I hadn't even thought of that, but the dance is at 7:30 and it takes a while to get there. I sure hope it's a shorter drive than he thinks. :S I wish I could help pay for gas for him or something but I don't know what he'd think of that...

In general, I just worry too much about what the other person'll think. :S

But I'm sure it'll be fine. Maybe a good 3-4 hours of dancing in this supposedly "amazing, "kick-butt" ballroom ("amazing" according to Stephen and "kick-butt" according to Melanie :D ) will make the drive worth it. I hope?????

Anyway... I'm so excited I get to go. I didn't get to go dancing tonight and I don't get to go dancing next week either. :( This ought to make up for it... Stephen told me the ballroom is huge and anywhere from 200-500 people dance in it (:O) at this particular event, which is some kind of fundraiser.

On a completely diffrent note, work went really well tonight. I was working with Amber and Eric, just the three of us in the kitchen, and, as Amber put it, "we work really well together. We always know what each other's doing." Amber and I think a lot like, which is awesome; so it was that, and it was just the perfect amount of people for how busy it was tonight (which was busy, but not bad). Eric tossed dough, Amber ran ovens, and I topped pizzas and answered phones. It was perfect.

Sometimes we have 6 or 7 people working in the kitchen and that is WAY too many people. Even if we are crazy, crazy busy like we were Friday, and even if we have a new person (or maybe especially!), that's too many people. The maximum we need is 5 people, I think. One person to toss, three to top/answer phones, and one running the oven. The drivers can answer phones and tag boxes too. The managers at the Domino's I used to work at understood that. The ones here don't. Except for Amber. :)

Friday and Saturday were both really frustrating days. So today was NICE.

There was just one time when it didn't go so great, just for me personally. Some person named Vasquez had a coupon for a family meal for $19.99 and when the total came to $22.71 with tax, she demanded, very irritatedly, "How much you charge for tax?"

Is it MY fault that the state tax is 8%?! Go buy your pizza in a non-tax state, for crying out loud!

I found out later that part of the reason it was so high--I didn't realize this at the time--was because the pizza is now $20.99. That's what I strongly dislike about this Domino's. Maybe it's just this side of the state or something, but they send out coupons and then they raise the prices of everything. I get questions all the time about why stuff costs so much--and then it's always my fault, of course. The JOYS of working in food service! And, as I understand, working in retail is just as bad...

I had a slight, but restrained, temper tantrum after I got off the phone. LOL. Amber and Eric both saw (thankfully no carryout customers did). Amber is really, really nice. Like, unbelievably nice. Do you know what she did? When I had a free moment after my little minor explosion, she just said, "Hey, come here. What was that all about? What happened?" I guess maybe she understands when people just need to vent. She's just very good with people in general and, man, I like working with her. Oy.

But I try to keep my angry moments to a minimum for the most part. :P Thankfully we don't have stupid customers all the time.

Anyway. Enough. :) I'm glad to be off work.

AND I'm glad I get to go dancing! YAY! Man, dancing makes my week, and to have it taken out... SO sad!! :(

I ought to go do something... Like pack. SCHOOL IN THREE WEEKS!!!!!!!! I am SO excited!!!!!


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