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Back to School FA07
10:49 p.m. || August 28, 2007

Wow! Feels like it's been a while. I guess it's just been a while since I wrote a "real" entry.

Today was my first day of classes. I went to British Poetry at 9:30, Drawing 1 at 12:00 and Parables of Jesus at 6:30. It turns out I'm not going to be taking the independent study I thought I was going to till spring semester, so this semester I'll only be taking 13 credits (!!). Crazy! Next semester I'll be taking 17 with that independent study... Ick. I was hoping I could do it this semester and only have 14 next semester.

But I'm going to take advantage of the extra time and sign up for odd jobs. I'm working for the Crusader this year, but it only pays $300 a semester. I am going to need way more money than that. Choir retreats, random things I have to buy, going out to eat... Yeah. I cannot survive on $300 a semester. :S When I worked for the library I got about $130 a month. So yeah... Extra time=odd jobs. I hate having huge gaps of time with nothing to do anyway; I had enough of that this summer.

I bought some art supplies today. I could only afford a little less than a third of what I need. Mercifully I'll be receiving my last paycheck from Domino's soon, and that'll be a nice fat one (LOL... "Nice fat one" to me means $170. But I got paid that every other WEEK. So I was making more than twice as much at Domino's than I make at the library. The state's minimum wage is SO nice.)

I am going to like my Parables class. That's good, because I was pretty scared about it. My professor assigns a lot of work, I hear. But I like the way he teaches and his attitude toward the class in general. AND I get to study Jesus' parables. Can't get much better than that. I've been wanting to study Jesus more for a long time.

My art class is going to be tough. The thing with art classes is they want you to be creative, to let go of inhibitions and just go with what your soul says. That isn't my strong point. Tell me what to do, tell me how to do it, and I'm set. But no... Here you're supposed to express your individuality. Eek!

British Poetry will be okay. I have Professor H and his classes are always pretty easy. But we're reading the Canterbury Tales again. I HATE the Canterbury Tales. I wanted to burn that book after I read some tales from it freshman year, when I had his British Literature class. Some of it is SO dirty. And I know as an English major I'm supposed to appreciate it as literature, but it's seriously like reading really crude pornography in places.

We're also reading Paradise Lost. That I am actually excited about. I know it's going to be HARD, but I've read part of it and I really liked it for its narrative depiction of a Bible story I've heard since I was a tyke in Sunday school.

As far as homesickness goes, I'm doing better. But I really need to have a girly talk with Jenny and Mindy. We're aiming for this weekend, Labor Day weekend, 'cause none of us are going anywhere. They're local and I never go home for Labor Day weekend, since I just got back from there.

I have all new roommates this year and so far I'm getting along really well with them. Surprisingly well, actually. My room roommate and I are very, very different, but I think we complement each other really well. And we have similar opinions on stuff. I'm just a little more reserved about them than she is. :) But I was so pleased at how well I got along with her, right off the bat. We'll see if that continues... Hope so!

Saw Ryan today; it was fun to get to talk to him in person for once (we've been Facebook messaging back and forth all summer). Forgot to call him to hang out sometime... But I'm not sure what we'd do. He said coffee. Coffee is more of a fall/winter thing for me. But I can't think of anything else we could do that couldn't be interpreted as a DATE date. :Z I don't want to go on any DATE dates this year... (And banquets don't count as DATE dates. I DO want to go to the banquets this year.) Maybe he'll have another idea...

I'm really, really tired. Better go to bed so I can get up tomorrow morning.


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