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Finally - The Wedding Etc.! Part 1
8:24 p.m. || October 25, 2008

So I've gotten a couple requests to update since I got married and let everybody know how things went. :)

People tell me that the wedding was beautiful, I looked gorgeous, and the vows we had were perfect. I remember repeating words, but other than that the day was a blur. I still catch myself thinking from time to time, "...Did I actually have a wedding?" I honestly don't remember much of the ceremony, but I remember things leading up to it.

We did most of our photos before the ceremony. So I was in my heels for 2 hours before the ceremony, and I never wear heels, and I did not break my shoes in enough. So by the time photos were over my feet were KILLING me. I put my feet up and laid a cold washcloth on them for about 15 minutes, but when it was time to go I knew I couldn't wear those heels. So I put on my ballet flats I had brought for the reception, and walked up to the altar in those.

The only problem was that my dress was hemmed to the height of the heels. So I was tripping and having the worst time walking up to the altar. :S That was the very worst part--I'm sure everybody could tell.

But knowing my family...They were probably just smiling/half-laughing at it, thankful for some kind of relief from the tears! My family tends to be emotional, but likes to relieve themselves from the emotion by keeping a sense of humor.

So everything from the time I started tripping on my dress to the time my matron of honor realized she had forgotten Stephen's ring is a blur.


Yeah. :D

My youth pastor (who was officiating) said the words for Stephen to give me my ring (do I remember them?) and Stephen put the ring on my finger, and then my youth pastor turned to me. "Do you have a symbol of your love for Stephen?" asked my youth pastor. Or something like that. I said, "I do" very confidently--I remember that part--and I turned to Liz, my matron of honor, who had a VERY VERY disconcerted look on her face. "Actually...," she whispered, "it's downstairs."


At that moment everything had such a lighter lilt to it, and it was wonderful. :D I wasn't freaked out about my stupid dress anymore...Or anything else...It just totally relieved the pressure. And I loved that it was completely, utterly out of my control and unforeseeable. That made it easier too because it was in no way, shape or form my fault. :)

To be continued...

Because this entry started getting so long, I decided to split it up into parts.

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