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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Reflective Mood
11:25 a.m. || September 02, 2009

I'm in a really reflective mood, for a couple reasons. One is yesterday I was working at Mom's, and the job she gave me to do was to move ALL of my papers, memorabilia, etc. from the old, sagging boxes they are currently in to new, stable boxes. So I found myself looking through ALL the bits and pieces I've kept from weddings, events, trips, and, of course, everything I've ever written about all the guys I had crushes on. Which is a LOT OF STUFF.

The second reason is that I remembered the song "Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts, a song I put on the first CD I mixed for Stephen. It means a lot to me, and it means a lot to him too, because we both had rough relationships before meeting each other, and we know that we were meant to be together.

So I can't think of anything new to write, but I just have a general feeling of reflectiveness today.

Going through all my old bits and pieces of paper from friends in high school and college, I got a great idea for birthday gifts for some of my friends. I'm going to try and make a scrapbook for Jenny, and possibly Mindy, and possibly Liz. That's kind of a BIG endeavor and I only have 3 months. But I'll do my best. I already have the photos for Jenny's scrapbook ordered.

I got this idea from Steve, actually (brilliant man! :D ). I told him about a sheet of paper I found from Liz and my notes to each other in church. It was in Liz's handwriting, and huge letters covered the paper: "I like him way more than you do!" And she proceeded to list, in huge letters, all the reasons she liked "him" (Justin) more than I did. She covered the whole paper. It made me laugh. I told Stephen about it and he said I should put together all our notes from those days in a binder and give them to Liz. I thought it was a hilarious idea and I might do just that. :D I have plenty!

The only thing is, since our notes were often about the boys we liked, her husband might not approve. Maybe I can just do random notes here and there about other things, and stick that one in particular in the middle or something.

Speaking of Ryan, he's on deployment, and Liz's status today says, "This deployment is definitely not going as well as the last." :( Not good news! I'm not sure if she means not going well for her, or not going well for Ryan, but either way I sure wish I was visiting sooner than December. :( Poor Liz.

Well, I have a chiropractor appointment today. Is that weird to hear or what? I am Indestructible Stephanie. I don't need doctors. But I've been getting carpal tunnel pretty severely lately. So I'm going to Steve's chiropractor. This is brand, brand-new today and I'm a little scared, mostly 'cause I just don't know what on earth they'll expect of me. Oh well. First time for everything.


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