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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Where Am I Going?
6:40 p.m. || September 09, 2010

"What do you daydream about? What successes have you had? What do other people believe you are good at? What other lives out there inspire yours? When do you feel like you and God are working on a project together? These are all clues that help us understand how we are wired and help us decide what to do with our lives. Write it down and head that direction." -Donald Miller's blog

A. What do I daydream about?
Writing my own story.
Helping other people with their problems.
Inspiring somebody with my own life.
Growing into deep relationships with people.

B. What successes have I had?
I have not had successes at giving advice...I can never open my mouth and say anything. I get stuck just listening because words of wisdom just seem to fail me.
I have had success as a student.
I have had success in my floral design class and at Flowers by Donna (successfully made an arrangement and helped fix an arrangement).
I have had successes at learning to do things like sew and cook and clean.

C. What do other people believe you're good at?
Stephen thinks I could be a good counselor. So did my counselor (LOL).
My high school art teacher thought I was good at art/drawing, or at least that I had good potential.
My grandparents think I'm good at school and writing and creating works of art.
My old friends thought I was good at writing about life (I let them read my journals and they liked them).

D. What other lives out there inspire yours?
Georgene's strength as a mom.
Margie's strength in Christ and levelheaded approach to everything.

E. When do you feel like you and God are working on a project together?
When I am trying to help my sister and others find their way through faith and life.
When I am working on my own relationship with God.

I do seriously love to help other people.
One of my biggest daydreams is that I'll write an encouraging note to somebody and it will change their life. And also cause them to pass it on by encouraging others.
I just wish I was better at the advice bit, LOL.

So where am I going? Apparently toward writing a memoir or a devotional guide with hand-done illustrations. LOL.
But my life is really not all that exciting, and theology escapes me.

I'm a better mirror than a light. I can quietly reflect confidence, wisdom, peace, joy, contentment, innocence, all those wonderful things (when I am feeling as such, ha). I can infuse them into my own life. But I don't shine them. I don't know how to tell people to go and do likewise.

With no tidy wrap-up, this blog doesn't make it look as though this exercise has helped me any. But honestly, I do feel like I got somewhere. I am going somewhere. I am taking the steps. I just can't see what comes next until God shows me.


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