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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Old Friends and New Worship Leaders
9:53 a.m. || September 16, 2010

"Sweetly Broken"
by Jeremy Riddle

To the cross I look,
To the cross I cling
Of it's suffering I do drink
Of it's work I do sing

For on it my Savior
Both bruised and crushed
Showed that God is love
And God is just

At the cross You beckon me
You draw me gently to my knees, and I am
Lost for words, so lost in love,
I�m sweetly broken, wholly surrendered

What a priceless gift,
Undeserved life
Have I been given
Through Christ crucified

You�ve called me out of death
You�ve called me into life
And I was under Your wrath
Now through the cross I�m reconciled

In awe of the cross, I must confess
How wondrous Your redeeming love and
How great is Your faithfulness


We are getting a new worship pastor at our church. We got to hear the top 2 candidates lead worship at church on separate Sundays. The ultimate decision is made by the leaders and staff. I wouldn't have known who to vote for--the first guy wasn't very memorable, except that he used the song "Lord, Have Mercy" for a confession song, which I thought was cool. But the second guy was... Well, he's very young, like my age or a bit older, and leads songs in the style of Passion worship. And he's a bit odd. He tries to conduct us like a choir. (???)

I love Passion worship, but it doesn't fit our church very well, so my vote wouldn't have been for him (I hate change and all that, LOL). But Stephen meets with our assistant pastor, Peter, once a week, and Peter let it spill that they're leaning towards the young guy. Stephen told me later and I'm utterly disappointed. Adjustments, adjustments.... The other guy would not have changed our church much at all, but I guarantee you this young guy will, as Stephen put it, "lower the median age of the church attendees by 10 years."

Honestly, I think he is going to be good for our church. And good for me. But it's going to be weird adjusting to a new style of worship there, and eventually a newish congregation. And I wonder to myself if he will try to conduct us every single Sunday... If he does, that might drive me a little crazy.

Stephen's concern about the young guy is that he'll get a big head. I can see that. I hope it doesn't happen. But if it does, hopefully our church will be confrontational enough, and hopefully the guy will be humble-able enough, that it won't last. There's a worship pastor at Stephen's parents' church who has a big head and "performs" with his band more than he actually leads the congregation into worshipping God. And he won't listen to anybody. :( So I really hope that doesn't happen to our church.

Anyway, if we do get that guy, I hope I can suggest the above song to him. I don't know how cut out it is for congregational worship, but we sang it yesterday at Time Out and I really liked it.

In other news, I'm having a really good week in my old college town with all my friends still down here. It's going much better than last year's trip! I actually made plans instead of just hopping a plane without thinking about what I'd do once I got there. So I've been spending lots of quality time with Jenny, Becca, and Liz, and I'm trying to spend time with Mindy, too, but haven't been able to much. She usually works, like, a 3pm to 11pm shift, but these last couple weeks she's been doing training for a different job, and the training is more like a regular shift, but it's REALLY early. So she comes home and goes straight to bed. At least she's getting good sleep.

I'm a bit worried about her. She seems melancholy. And I haven't got to really talk with her much. I'll get to spend a bit more time with her today though, as soon as Liz and I figure out our plans.

...Frustration. I don't know where to eat dinner with Liz tonight. B, where she is right now, is 30 minutes away from N, where I am. She lives in M, which is an hour from B and an hour and a half from N. If Mindy wants to come, she could drive me to B and back. But if she doesn't, Liz'll have to drive me everywhere. Ugh. And she needs to get back to see Ryan before he leaves for a 3-week training. Do you see why I am frustrated. :( I HATE being a burden like this! Gas money, distance, time.... This so sucks.

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