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How Do You Deal With Socially Awkward People?
2:10 p.m. || May 24, 2011

I'm going to sound like a really evil person in this entry, but I am SO FED UP with this girl right now.

Why is Joy so socially illiterate?! I cannot handle this! I so do not know how to deal with people like her!

Phew. Okay.

Joy's social life consists of going every Friday night to something called The Bridge (it's a worship service for young adults, I think). She has no other social outlets, so The Bridge is CRUCIAL to her. She won't give it up even for other things she wants to get done, even though those things overlap with her precious Bridge service. She drives me NUTS.

I'm really sorry. She doesn't normally drive me this nuts, only when I'm trying to "plan" things with her. The girl does NOT understand how to plan things, period.

This is how a recent conversation with this girl went. All on Facebook, by the way, because she doesn't like to call people and I don't like to call her.

Joy: Hey, I want to hang out with people this week, what days work for you?
Me: Ummm...Tuesdays and Wednesdays work for me.
Joy: Okay, what time? Any preference where? I want to get out of my house.
Me: No preferences on when or where.
Joy: Okay, how's 1:00?
Me: Wait, 1:00 TODAY? It's 12:50!
Joy: Oh....I guess we'll have to meet tomorrow.
Joy: Oh, I'm not going to have a car. Does this mean we can't hang out?
Me: You're asking me?
Joy: Haha! Well, I guess it should be somewhere I can walk to. Unless you want to give me a ride.
Me: What kinds of places are within walking distance from you?
Joy: I don't know. I don't want to eat out because that gets expensive. Do you have any ideas?
Me: Ummmm.......Coffee?
Joy: Okay, which one?
Me: Ummmm....Starbucks?
Joy: The two Starbucks near me are really noisy or really uncomfortable.
Me: Okay, let me do some research. There's this coffee place.
Joy: Hm, I might get caught in the rain if I walk there.
Me: Okay, fine, I'll pick you up. Will anybody else be joining us?
Joy: Nope, they all said they can't do anything until Saturday.
Me: Okay, fine. See you tomorrow.

This is seriously how she "plans" things. She says "Do you want to hang out?" And then makes her friends come up with all the details. And also the transportation.

This is the latest:

Joy: Can you take me to ******** (1/2 hour drive north) for a couple weekends so I can study hip hop dance for the story I want to write?
Me: Why can't you drive yourself?
Joy: Because I'm afraid of driving; I don't get out much.
Me: Okay, I can take you. What days?
Joy: It says on their website Fridays 5:30-8:30, Saturdays 11:30-3:00, and Sundays 1:00-3:00, but let me call and ask.
Joy: They still haven't gotten back to me.
Joy: They still haven't gotten back to me.
Joy: They still haven't gotten back to me.
Joy: Okay, he just called me back. He said Fridays 5:30-8:30, Saturdays 11:30-3:00, and Sundays 1:00-3:00.
Me: Okay, I can't ever do Saturdays because I work from 9-2. I'm going to a party Friday night, so that won't work; I'm going to see some gardens with Stephen on Sunday afternoon so that won't work. Let's try next weekend.
Joy: I'm going to be out of town next weekend.
Me: Okay, the following weekend. I can't do Saturdays, as usual, because I work, but I can do Friday.
Joy: I'd rather not do Friday. That would require me to miss The Bridge.
Me: Well, I can't do Sunday because of a party I'm hosting. Maybe the weekend after that.

...No news yet. Ugh.

She didn't actually say, "Because I'm afraid of driving; I don't get out much." She mentioned being uncomfortable with driving there because she doesn't know it very well, and I know it's because she doesn't get out much. Ever.

She does this to me at least once every 2 weeks. Her message is always, "I need people. I need to get out of my house. Want to hang out?"

What do you say to that? "No, I do not want to hang out with you, because you are impossible to plan with"?

I just don't know how to deal with her. Help!!!


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