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Questions About Anger
12:36 p.m. || July 29, 2011

I need to sort something out.

I read an article yesterday that made me furious. Here is the link: No Kids Allowed.

I was so angry after reading it that I could've spit nails. I was about to post it on Facebook with some kind of angry remark, but remembered that I have 350 friends, many of which would undoubtedly take offense at my feelings on the matter. And there is truly nothing I hate more than to have people yelling at me for feeling strongly about something.

Which brings me to my question.

Why is it so easy to get so angry about things like this?

I haven't figured out yet if all strong feelings about controversial issues are wrong or not. Is it self-righteous to hate things like banning children from public, or things like deciding to not have children because children are inconvenient?

The thing is, my anger too easily jumps from the issue to the people behind the issue. Whenever I am encountered with mind-blowing selfishness, I am spitting nails. And I can't figure out whether it's selfish or hypocritical to get angry like that or not. 'It's not that I'm never selfish, but I'm never THAT selfish!' I say to myself. Then I second guess, 'Or am I?' See, that's my quandary. I've heard we're all debased and utterly corrupt, but where's the line between selfish anger and righteous indignation? Because even God got angry and punished people. Even Jesus got angry and overturned tables, although he never, admittedly, killed anybody. But as God I suppose he could have? And when would those have been right opportunities? Was he not allowed to strike people dead because he was in human form? Can't tell you how badly I wish I knew!

...Okay, I just did a bunch of research and I have come to this conclusion: the no-children movement is not the problem. Let me rephrase that: it is not the root problem. The root problem, as with all problems in this world, is a rebellion against the God who created this world and everything and everyone in it.

So how do you help change THAT?

Times like this I think, 'How long are we going to be forced to live down here?'

If only I felt as though I could make a difference and bring people to Christ. If only I felt as though there was some kind of hope for change.


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