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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Faith Moves
11:11 p.m. || November 26, 2011

I'm just so happy right now. And I can't say anything on Facebook because it involves people who will see it.

I am just so, so pleased whenever we talk to Rhonda about the Gospel, even if the conversation is completely fumbled. Every time I am so thankful. I just know that I know that I know God is doing something with her and am soooooo so happy to be a part of it.

And God is using us in my own family, too. I could not ask for anything better. We had a really good talk with them today, mostly Grandpa, about the cause of sin, human disobedience and God's plan. We also touched on what it means to glorify God, and I really like what I came up with for a definition. Glorifying God is not something I have ever truly understood, but a few months ago, Stephen and I had a conversation where I got it sorted out. Anything that points to God as Creator, Redeemer, Healer, Love--any quality of God, really--brings Him glory. Bringing glory to God is simply bringing recognition and acknowledgement to who He is and what He does.

Talking with Rhonda always gives me such high blood pressure, which is so unnecessary! Whenever I talk with nonChristians about Christ, I have this real terror that they are going to go into attack mode. So I always dread it happening with Rhonda--but it never does. Rhonda is totally not interested in going into attack mode. She truly wants to know the answers. She truly wants to know what we have to say.

And I just KNOW God is going to do good things with this. :D

I heard some great news from her today. Couldn't quite let on how happy I was about it, LOL...But today she told us one of her closest friends has turned from Wicca to Christianity. I wanted to bounce off ceilings and walls when I heard that. God is totally doing something in her life! I'm thrilled! But we were in Starbucks amidst other people and I couldn't quite leap and shout for joy, LOL. :D

I haven't met Rhonda's friend, so I don't know if her conversion is a real one, but it seemed real from the way Rhonda spoke about the difference in her friend. So encouraging! That verse in Habakkuk resonates within me today: "I am going to do a work in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told." (1:5)

It's awesome to watch faith moving things! :)


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