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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Wide-Eyed in Wonder
7:32 p.m. || December 09, 2011

Two different trains of thought for today's entry, one not finished and the other as complete as it can be right now.

Just a thought that went through my head the other day: It's a bit alarming to realize you have sinned against God Himself, and that you are liable for that sin. Yipes! That's a big responsibility.

Of course, we aren't liable for it anymore, since Jesus served it, but part of my soul is still absorbing the fact that I sinned deeply against God and need His salvation. I didn't understand that when I first came to Christ years and years ago--in fact, I only came to that understanding of the Gospel within the last two years. Before, I don't know what I thought...I guess I just believed that God would help me not do so many wrong things if I asked for help, as long as I asked "in the name of Jesus, Amen"--which is true, of course; I just don't think I ever understood what Jesus had to do with it. And now I do.

Yep...Not finished. Work in progress. :)


In other news, guess what? Of all things! Rhonda is coming to visit us.

When we were in my hometown over Thanksgiving, we met with Rhonda and at one point mentioned that she should come visit us sometime, and she could stay on an air mattress in our living room.

Much to our surprise, she called up two days ago and asked if she could come NEXT WEEK! Whoa!

Of course we said yes. If it had been any later, that might've been a little nutty. She may have had to celebrate Christmas with us with Stephen's parents, LOL! But she'll be here the 14th and staying until the 19th.

To make things even crazier, Sam is coming in the 15th and we're celebrating Mom's birthday on the 16th! Ha! Rhonda will have a grand old time. :)

While I was a little overwhelmed that she was coming on such short notice (okay, maybe a lot overwhelmed!), Stephen has been extremely confident that this is completely in God's Providence. I know it is, too, but I'm still nervous. The timing is nuts. I'll be beginning a new birth control (yaaaaayyy mood swings...not) and our pastor will be preaching on, of all things, the acts of the sinful nature (Galatians 5). I'm like, Really, God??? How exactly are You going to work this out so it will work out well??? I absolutely know He is going to work out well, but this finite human mind of mine sure can't fathom how. :) But because of that it will be even more amazing!

Today I just read 2 Corinthians 4, the section about jars of clay, and I was reminded of Rhonda and the common word picture of "broken vessels" when referring to these verses. I'm sure not the prettiest, most attractive clay jar out there, but God made me exactly like I am and put me exactly right here so I can reach out to Rhonda at exactly this point in her life. It's just awe-inspiring to think about, truly. I am so wide-eyed waiting to see wondrous things.


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