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My Bucket Lists
Dreams and Goals - 2004
Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Just Life...
8:30 p.m. || April 11, 2012

I am wearing my new 7/8 Apple Bottoms. And they FIT. (For now.) I'm having my mom hem them; they are WAY too long. I knew that when I bought them... I kinda hoped they had just mismeasured. But at least a too-long hem is something easily fixable.

They're straight leg jeans, so they seem super wide and I keep worrying that they don't flatter my legs. I never knew being fashionable would cause me to worry about my appearance so much. :P

Stephen has his own battle with worry going on...He has a wedding scheduled to photograph a couple months down the road (first paid gig!!) and he is very stressed out that his pictures won't be good enough and that they might sue him. :/ I feel bad for him and have no idea how to help or encourage him except to just keep reminding him that God will take care of us, no matter what happens.

In other news, my sis is facing a big decision. She's thinking of taking on another full-time job that is along the lines of her interests, while continuing her service in the Marines at the same time. YIPES!! I had a long talk with her today on Facebook about it. Tried my best to be encouraging, yet offer great wisdom at the same time. After we talked I thought and prayed, and I decided if she thinks she can do it without compromising 1) her body, 2) her relationship with God, or 3) her duty to the Marine Corps, she might as well try. I just hope she will have the will to quit if/when it gets to be too much. Poor Sammie. What a decision to make!

In more news, my mom's roommate got a letter from her old apartment manager, and she owes them $110 (on top of her $700 deposit, which she won't be getting back). They had to clean the carpets and repaint the walls among replacing other small-ticket items. So I now have a real-life example of why Stephen gets so freaked out about getting fined after we move out. Stephen is worried about more like $1000 in fines on top of our deposit because of the dumb dog damage, which I still am not convinced is a real concern... But I am slightly more sympathetic now. Sigh. Life isn't easy, folks.

Thanks for caring and thanks for your prayers.


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