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My Bucket Lists
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Bucket List - 2019

The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Thinking Ahead...
2:41 p.m. || September 11, 2012

Wow, I am writing....a lot. Must be a season?

I found a Christmas CD in our "Goodwill" pile that must be Stephen's. I'm listening to it and I think I will keep it. So now I've got Christmas on the brain.....

I'm just trying to figure out what to get my mom for her birthday/Christmas. (Her birthday is in December.) She's hard to buy for. She has a ton of Stuff, and with my own effort to get away from materialism, the last thing on earth I want to get her is pointless Stuff. Like gadgets and things. Clutter. And I don't think that's what she wants anymore, either. What does she want?

I've also been thinking about my sister. She's easier to buy for. :) This year I found a vest at a store I think she might love. It costs $40, which is more than I have usually spent on people in the past. I decided, when I saw that vest, that this year I will not be as much of a penny pincher when it comes to gifts, if being more open-handed with my money will express love better to the gift recipient. Stephen's raise helps with this, and I'm learning that my sister's love language really is gifts. Especially if you spend a bit more on them, like she does for us.

Sam is willing to be a more lavish spender on her family... It quite took us by surprise when she started doing that! I think she understands money as a concrete resource so well because the lack of money as a resource kind of defined our lives when we were growing up. So now she really gets it and wants nothing more than to give her family stuff they "could never have before." :) She's really sweet and kind of funny that way. It's one of the things I have really, really learned to love about my sister as we've gotten older.

(Mind track change back to my mom.) OH! That's...a crazy idea, but it just might work.

For my mom, more than gifts, acts of service is her love language. What act of service could I offer my mom as a gift? Wow, what a thought. And that would speak VOLUMES to her.

I'll probably also get her a gift she can open, for tradition's sake, but wow. Doing something for her without asking for payment would be completely huge to her. And it could signify so much more than that... This could really go places.


That's all for now. I can't believe how much I've been writing lately!


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