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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

6:03 p.m. || June 25, 2013

I have a lot to rant about.

Starting with fructose (i.e. sweet of any kind).

Currently, I hate Stephen's dad.

We were at their house for Cari and Jon's graduation party a couple weekends ago, and Dad (I guess I'll call him that) started talking to Stephen about the latest diet he's gone on, a zero-fructose diet. It sounded really great, until he said, "Basically, the only thing you can eat is meat, and sourdough bread, for three weeks."

"No fruits."

"No vegetables."

"No sweet of any kind."


Now, his dad is a logic-driven person. I mean to a fault logical. I mean to the point where I sometimes wonder if he is some kind of machine.

(I would never have survived with him as my dad. That may very likely have been worse than having no dad, as I did.)

But, point being, his *logical* explanation for doing this is:

"The theory behind it is that back in the hunting-gathering days, fruits and vegetables were only available when they were in season. So our ancestors only had fructose a few months out of the year. Now fruit and vegetables are available year round, and so our bodies have gotten too used to fructose and they don't metabolize it right anymore. So the point of this diet is to reset your body's metabolism by completely cutting out fructose altogether for three weeks. And then once that's over, you can reintroduce fructose slowly, with vegetables. And really, you should only be eating 15g of fructose a day, which equals about 1 apple a day."

The point of the diet is to get rid of a "beer belly" that isn't due to beer. Which is something Stephen and his dad both have trouble with. I'm not sure where they got it from--Stephen's dad's parents are very skinny and his brother's in pretty good shape, too. But anyway, whatever the reason, they both have it. And for what it's worth, I could see a difference in Stephen's dad. And, yes, I would LOVE to see a similar difference in Stephen.

But nothing but meat, sourdough bread, and eggs for three weeks SOUNDS LIKE MEDIEVAL TORTURE to me. I am so not even joking or exaggerating and I'm too upset to explain any of it.

So anyway. Stephen's succumbing to this "diet." He started today. He doesn't even want to, and I cannot tell you how hard it is for me to just stand by and watch somebody submit to what I already think of as torture AND NOT EVEN BECAUSE HE WANTS TO. It's way. Too. Upsetting. I sent him an e-mail and told him so. But I told him, "But you seem to think this is a good idea, so I'm going to try and be supportive." And then I told him that I'm not kidding when I say this is going to be very hard for me to watch.

I know, I know. I'm not very good at "supporting" this. :(

I just summarized it on Facebook...

"Stephanie is not very good at being supportive when I think of people as hurting themselves.

But as an HSP, I might not have a very accurate "pain" gauge. The minutest degree of discomfort sensed, especially if it's in somebody else, equals "pain" for me. :/ "

So onto other rants of the day.

Never mind, I'm too upset about this one. And I need to go get "dinner." (Rotisserie chicken and fiber pills.)

The bottom line is, I had an EXTREMELY busy day delivering today and I did not have the time or patience for people in a bar messing with me and making me think I was delivering to the wrong person. Do. Not. Have. Time.

And there were 5 teenage kids messing around near the van as I was loading it up, which also really bothered me.


Rants over. :(


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