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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

More Family Difficulties.
9:49 a.m. || January 01, 2014

Aaaaaand begin the pregnancy-induced touchiness. Pregnant women have got to be the most touchy women out there. :/

My great-aunt has been leaving sarcastic-sounding messages about becoming a parent on all of my posts where I express the current difficulties of life I am facing. She has never had kids of her own and I can't tell if she is truly being bitter and sarcastic or if she is just trying to be funny. I only see her once every other year and I remember her always joking, but it gets fuzzy when post after post where I am trying to look on the bright side of life during the yucky times, she brings up the disadvantages of having a baby.

I messaged her about it today on Facebook, which I probably shouldn't have done. I tried my best to make it sound nice and non-barbed, but I don't think I 100% succeeded.

My family has a way of downplaying whatever difficulties you, the young person, are currently going through in a sort of, "Just wait until you're MY age and all the difficulties you'll face then!!" way. It doesn't go over very well with an HSP who not only truly feels tons and tons of sympathy for them, but also feels her current difficulties, whatever they might be, more than the average person would. And there's not really anything I can do about that.

Chances are, my great-aunt won't respond to my message, but she will also stop leaving messages of any kind on my Facebook page. That tends to be the way my family handles confrontations like this from me. "Geez, I never expected timid Stephanie to be confrontational! I better stop talking to her altogether in order to avoid conflict and pain until she's not like this anymore." :(

And now a petty-sounding, self-absorbed, but motivated by pain I feel and just don't understand, statement: Is my family the only family in the world that is this messed up??

I know it can't possibly be. I know there are lots of messed up families in the world and lots of them are more messed up than mine! I just wish I had some way of asking all those other people, preferably HSPs, how they have learned to grapple with their dysfunctional families.


Well, back to my blessed day to myself. Despite this blog, I really am enjoying getting LAUNDRY done!! I'll finally have clothes that don't stink to wear! And the garbages won't be overflowing anymore. And there will be room on our table and couch!! And our sink won't be overflowing with dishes! Yay!!


Dear God, this seems like an awful lot to handle right now. Could you please explain to me why so much is hitting me all at once? I know you have reasons for everything and I trust you. I just would like to know even just a little bit of why. Your child, Stephanie

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