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Things Not to Say to a Pregnant Woman - And Why I Love My Sister So Much
9:48 a.m. || January 17, 2014

And now for a rare "I love my sister" post. :)

We might have a rocky history and relationship, but there are some times where I am so thankful for her.

I posted a picture of my "bump" on Facebook when it was looking pointier than usual. It was fun--baby was sticking waaaay out there! I like those days. I look more like I'm pregnant and less like I'm just...round. :( Anyway, I wrote that it was unusual for baby to be sticking so far out, and one of the ladies from church, whom I dearly love, nonetheless made a comment that brought me great annoyance. :( "Twins?!" she said.

I do like her, but that joke was old from the very first time I heard it.

I didn't respond because I could feel all that ire rising up in me that I KNOW is not wise to act on. Besides that, I knew making up a zillion reasons as to why that's probably NOT true would do no absolutely good whatsoever; it would probably just bring up even MORE irritating, "Oh, you might be having twins because---!!!!" remarks. Once people get an idea into their heads, they don't let it go, no matter how reasonable you sound.

So I kept my mouth shut.

But I couldn't get rid of the irritation every time I looked at the new comments under that picture.

Until today. :)

When my sister saved me. :)

"Less likely to be twins," she said. "Doesn't run in the family. Only a slight chance."

Oh, THANK YOU, blessed, angelic, beloved sister of mine!!!!

I could have said that myself. I could have listed all my relatives I know about by name, including dead ones, outlining how there are no twins anywhere to be seen in any of my extend family. Not even on Stephen's side. And nobody would have listened.

But they hear it from somebody else in my family, and the information is somehow a lot more credible. (Some people might still make remarks, but I guarantee you, if it'd been me saying anything, about 25 more comments would've sprung up, ALL of them detailing to me stories of unexpected twins.)

'K, I need to calm down. I'm getting irritated again.

Thank you, Lord, for my wonderful sister. The end. :)

Interestingly, Sam also thinks I'm probably having a boy. Or maybe she just said that because girls have run so strongly in our family for the last two generations. (My grandpa has three daughters and three granddaughters and no sons or grandsons.) But Sam is one of those intuitive people. Not in the same way my mother-in-law is, but she just instinctively knows things about people sometimes.

So it'll be interesting to see in 3 weeks who's right.

Well, that is, if baby even lets us see its "stuff" in such a way that it can be accurately identified. I was looking up articles last night on determining gender by ultrasound and I can see why it's not always a 100% guaranteed thing, especially with a 2D ultrasound. A 3D/4D would be way more accurate, but alas, I don't think our HMO has those available. And they're r-e-a-l-l-y expensive if you go outside of your health care system. (Well, a couple hundred dollars... More than Steve and I are willing to spend when we're trying to save up for closing costs on a house, anyway.)

Either way, I cannot wait for that ultrasound!! I'll finally be able to see baby again, and this time it'll look like a real baby!!! :-O It's going to be so freaky and so "This is REAL!" I can't wait.


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