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"Spring Break" Craziness
4:27 p.m. || March 22, 2014

So on Facebook I keep seeing statuses about "SPRING BREAK!!!"

I still don't get the whole spring break hullabaloo.

Never have, actually. Apparently that's traditionally when rich, irresponsible, 20-somethings go take a week in some place in Mexico and usually get smashed? I wouldn't know. Or the slightly more responsible ones, but still rich ones go to Disneyland or Hawaii or something.

My spring breaks were always, always completely boring and, since I got out of school (and didn't become a teacher), non-existent.

Anyway, this year's weird. This year I definitely know it's spring break, because I can't think of another reason that THREE of my friends I haven't seen in forever all decided to come to town in the same week! AAAAHHH!!

Thankfully only two of them are coming the same time during the week, but just juggling those two is proving to be a task!

Anyway, it's Liz, Rebecca, and Mindy. Liz is coming with her daughter earlier in the week, while Mindy and Rebecca are coming the last part of the week. Probably, hopefully, Mindy and I will be able to just do a double-date for dinner or something. And probably, hopefully, Becca and I will go to the tulip festival, although I know Mindy wanted to do that too... Becca and I could just do ice cream or something though.

Mindy and Becca do sort of know each other, but I tend to keep my friends separate. Not on purpose! They would totally get along. I am just WAY more of a one-on-one person than a group person, and my friends mostly know that. Although I had tons of fun with Becca, Liz, and Jenny as a group the week before my wedding. :)

I think I've seen Becca once since my wedding. It was super awkward. I have a feeling this time will go better, but I just wish I knew whether to see her and Mindy separately or not. Rawr. This is why I have trouble with friendships! Oy!

Speaking of friendships, Stephen and I are off to FINALLY have dinner with Heidi and Alex at their new place they've had since December. Man. We've been trying to do this for ages, but it was December, and then it was house-hunting, and then it was SNOW DISASTER, and then it was Valentine's Day, and then it was colds, and then we could finally put together some plans. Good grief.

So here we finally go! I don't even know how long it's been since I saw Alex, although I did get to meet up with Heidi for coffee last week. This'll be nice. :)


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