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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Always Temporary, Never Permanent
2:39 p.m. || April 02, 2014

The latest news is that we've agreed to move into Stephen's grandma's house.

The latest hiccup is that she apparently didn't realize how much stuff she wanted to keep when she told us "The rest of the house is yours."


I just thought my kid would have a place of his own to grow up in. Grandma made it sound like that would be the case if we moved in to her house. I imagined getting rid of nearly all of her things, since she sounded okay with it.

But now it's the kitchen table, the bookshelf, the china cabinet, the music-holding box, the wing-back chairs--basically everything in the front room is staying. And that's just the beginning of stuff she suddenly realizes she wants to keep.

And I don't know WHAT to do about the crib Grandma has. It's been in the family for generations. But that also means it's illegal. It would be fine with bumper pads, but bumper pads are controversial too.

I am not good at drawing hard lines with people I don't know and am not blood-related to. I'm going to cave on absolutely everything. And that is utterly depressing me.


We called Stephen's mom and talked to her about the situation. She basically said yeah, you might be moving in slowly. She suggested moving in one or two pieces that we really feel like make this our home, and then storing the rest. :/ We're going to need a bigger storage unit... At least we'll have the cash...

Still so disappointed. I just want a place I can call MY home so badly. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

"Home, then, is a powerful but elusive concept. The strong feelings that surround it reveal some deep longing within us for a place that absolutely fits and suits us, where we can be, or perhaps find, our true selves. yet it seems that no real place or actual family ever satisfies these yearnings, though many situations arouse them....'Our life-long nostalgia, our longing to be reunited with something in the universe from which we feel cut off, to be on the inside of some door which we have always seen from the outside, is no mere neurotic fancy, but the truest index of our real situation.'" The Prodigal God by Timothy Keller (quoting C.S. Lewis in the last half)

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