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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Grace for Each Day
9:48 p.m. || May 21, 2014

My father-in-law posted a good article from Relevant magazines that was basically about the first year of marriage being tough, and gave three reasons as to why. There are a lot more reasons, but I was glad the article had been written at all.

Because right now everything is hard. And hearing "Life is hard, and that's ok" seemed really apt. As did listening to Matt Redman's "Never Once."

I think my mind is finally truly realizing that this living situation is permanent, which I suppose is a good thing. But it also means that now the real hard work begins. Just like marriage is a commitment I have to follow through, despite the difficulties, living with Grandma B. in her house is a commitment I have to follow through, despite the difficulties.

She keeps saying it's our house, but it isn't, really. I'm trying not to complain too much about it to her, because I think she really does understand that this is difficult for us, plus I think it is more difficult for her than she lets on to us, and I think she's trying to make the best of it and be positive. I have a feeling that's how she's lived most of her life--and she hasn't had an easy life.

But anyway, the fact remains, this is hard. Especially now that I'm in my last few weeks of pregnancy and I can't seem to get anything done. I hear 36 weeks (a little over a week away for me) is when it gets really tough. I just keep praying that he comes sooner rather than later.

But you know...Now that I think about it, that won't make things any easier, because then I'll have a newborn and will get even less done.

I guess God knows that and will bring baby boy in the perfect timing. I think I need to be praying more for grace to face each day, like Stephen's mom says a lot.

Grace to face every day...


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