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Classes and Stuff
7:49 p.m. || January 12, 2005

Well... Not to write a completely selfish entry after my last one... But I thought I'd write about my first day of classes.

I actually had already written an entry about school today, and then I had to hurry off to my class (how am I always, always running late for my 2:55 classes??) and accidentally closed the window without copying or saving any of what I'd written. Ugh.

So anyway. It was hectic, to say the least. Class to class to class to chapel to lunch to class, BREAK, and class... Pretty crazy. But I already know that I am going to like Professor D a lot! He is my English Comp and World Lit professor. World Lit--that is going to be my favorite class. And the last one of the day!! How nice!!

Michelle is in that class with me. :D I sat by her today. Wow. She had me laughing in no time. I'm so glad I have that class with her!! The funny thing is, Kyle's in that class, too! We just need to drag Jana in... :D Of course, that's kind of difficult; she's probably got her schedule all figured out and stuff. Bummer! But oh well... 3 out of 4 ain't bad, as they say. :)

I'm SO glad to have that class last period! That just rocks... What a nice thing to have after a hectic day!

Other good news: I found out that finals are the 10th-13th of May. That's GREAT! That means after the 13th I'll be free to go... But, of course, I'm staying for Commencement so I can see Kelly graduate. Although I'm going to cry so much!

It feels like I have been up for two days. When I think back to walking to breakfast this morning (at SEVEN O' CLOCK in the morning, when it's still pitch black!), I'm just like, "That was today?" It feels like it was forever ago!

I found out that my most challenging class will probably be Intro to Teaching this semester. :/ Although I haven't gone to Intro to Psych yet... But Intro to Teaching, I don't feel ready for at all. I have to get 25 hours of field experience... And that scares me to death. That means I have to--gasp!--interact with people! Agh! I can't just sit in the back and watch quietly... That's what I'm used to doing. Ick... I just hope I can do it. I'm going to be so, so awkward at first though. Blushing and stammering right and left to the teacher who's taking me. Standing there looking dumb, not knowing what to do with the kids. Luckily they put me with 4th graders. So I can grade papers and help kids with their assignments. There's no way I'd survive if I had to find some way to play with kindergartners or something for hours at a time. I have a hard enough time figuring out how to play with my 6-year-old cousin...

Yes, that's the sad story. I do not know how to play with kids. :S C'est terrible, n'est-ce pas? A mon avis, c'est tres terrible. Tous mes amis aiment beaucoup les enfants et ils savent comment jouer avec eux! Pourquoi pas moi? Je suis etrange!

LOL. Today in World Lit, we filled out these little cards--shoot! That reminds me, I have homework to do!--We filled out these little cards about ourselves. One of the things we had to write was what our major was and what we wanted to do for a career. I wrote, "English Education. French teacher." Michelle saw it and laughed at me. "You're an English Education major and you want to be a French teacher??"

They don't have French Education as a major here!

That reminds me. I need to talk to the Modern Language department and see if I can be a TA next year or something.

Ooh... Next year? What if I'm in France next year, like I was sort of planning?

All this stuff I have to figure out! My goodness...


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