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The current mood of Seinahpet210 at

Lousy Week
7:24 p.m. || September 13, 2002

Lousy week. Lousy week. Lousy week. Ugh! I can't believe how awful this week has been. I don't even know what in the world was so screwed up, but I was in a bad mood almost all week. I went to school rushed and angry, I came home exhausted and irritable. Geez. And on Wednesday I had homework in three book classes! Good grief! I'm so serious, I think all the teachers assemble together and decide to give homework all on the same day! Blah.

French has even lost its zest for now. It's fun learning, but it was funner knowing when no one else did. :D Today we learned how to tell time-- oooh, exciting! "Quelle heures est-il?" "Il est huit heures du soir."

Oh! Wait a sec! It's almost 8 o'clock?! I'm gonna miss Big Brother! Wait-- aah, I am confused! Is that on tonight? I thought my mom said it was...

Oh well. I have 5 minutes/cinq minutes. <-----cognate: word of French (or other language, but in my case French) that looks exactly as it does in English, but has different pronunciation.

LOL, that reminds me. Today when we listened to the audio-learn stuff, one of the sentences was, "Oh l� l�! J'ai un rendez-vous avec David dans vingt minutes!" On the CD the girl said it so fast it sounded like it was one word! The whole class was just like, "WHOA. Right, and we're supposed to catch that?!" It was funny. :)

The nicest thing about the French language so far, I think, is the way each word in a sentence actually is a single word, and they actually are in the right order! In Spanish, as I have observed, they join their words so often and totally screw around the word order that it gets really confusing. But in French, "J'ai un rendez-vous avec David dans vingt minutes" actually is "I have a date with David in 20 minutes." I mean, sure, there's the contraction of "I" and "have", but you can still tell they are separate words! And they are in the right order. The only time order gets a little mixed up is when they put the adjectives after the nouns. But we haven't got to adjectives yet. :)

Anyway... I need to get offline and go home. 'Night, all! Happy Friday the 13th! LOL.


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